Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mission accomplished!

I woke up at 6.30 to run this morning. I'm so proud of myself! *pats herself on back* I was tired and sleepy and I hadn't run in ages, but I ran today and I didn't stop till I got home. I kept myself awake by going through guitar chords in my head. Whee!!!!

But wait! Don't be too impressed. My running speed was just slightly faster than the average snail's (kinda like doing the slow crawl but vertically). And I only got through the first 2 lines of Kumbaya - what comes after that? E? G? I forget - which isn't a great song to be going through your head when you're trying to stay awake, but it's the only song I've learnt to strum so far. Well sort of anyway.

And I only ran for all of 20 minutes. In the end I was more or less jogging on the spot outside my house, staring at my watch and counting the seconds to 7.11. Then I stopped jogging, went in and collapsed.

Okay, not quite, but I almost felt like it. I'm painfully out of shape. *grumble* Gonna run again on Friday. Feels good, though, to be running in the morning when the sun's just coming up and the world is waking. Peaceful, and strengthening somehow. Reminds me of AC days. Oh well.

I'm awfully sleepy now though. Yawn...


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