The holiday so far
Internet access! Yessssss!
I'm at the sister's, hogging her laptop. Not that there wasn't Internet access in Brisbane, but since it was Sam's friend and her friend we were staying with, paisay to ask lah. But now it's Lis, so... heheheh.
Anyway this is just a filler for my fans (I know I have one, at least =P) and also 'cos I think I'd forget stuff if I don't blog it as I go along. Lis just said I'd probably take hours to complete my entry if I blogged when I got back, considering how long I'm taking on this. I said I'd probably take the whole day, which means I'd be too busy to blog when I got home, and then I'd never blog at all. So. On to the entry proper, then.
Because my memory's going already, this is just for today. Everything I can remember. More when I get my photos sorted out enough to jog my memory. I'm getting old. Heh.
Saturday, 23 June
We headed down to the Sydney Fish Market for breakfast this morning. Ordered the seafood platter for two, but it was quite a challenge for the three of us. Check out the platter.

Lis holding the seafood platter. Shock and awe! And this is just breakfast.
(Pardon the sideways-ness. Lis refuses to help me turn the picture the right way up. "Tell people to turn their heads." is her advice. I'll right the pictures when I get back to Singapore. In the meantime, turn your heads, people.)
It was HUGE. Loaded with battered fish, calamari, giant prawns, baby octopus, cheesy oysters and mussels topped with bacon bits, and a ton of fries. We didn't quite manage to polish off the whole thing, but I think we pretty much did justice to it. Check out the remains of our breakfast.

We had to fend off the birds. A flock of noisy seagulls eyeballed us as we ate. A couple of ibis stalked around in the background, and one tried to quietly sneak up on us. We caught it in the act though. It just looked at us and then nonchalantly turned around and walked away, like, "I was just having a stroll. I wasn't trying to steal your food, honest!"
Man, we were sooooo stuffed after breakfast. Like, all the way till dinner-time! The following exchange ensued while we were trying to settle on a place for dinner.
Me: French onion soup... I think that's all I can handle now. Anything more than that, my stomach will explode.
Lis: Right now, the thought of eating scares me.
We walk past a stall selling baked potatoes.
Me: Wow. For the first time in my life, baked potato doesn't excite me.
Lis: This is sad. I'm not even hungry. I'm still, like, burping up seafood.
We collapse into inane giggles. And head to Cole's to pick up kiwis and mandarin oranges for dinner.
At Cole's. For some reason, Shrek is huge here. I don't understand what the big deal is. No puns intended =P

I've dropped food everywhere. In Brisbane and Sydney, at Sam Chia's and Lisa's, in restaurants and shops and sidewalks and roads, even on the plane. I've pretty much left a trail of dropped stuff behind me.
Drop #1 - On the plane from Singapore to Brisbane:
The air stewardess is handing out drinks. She's serving the passenger across the aisle. As she fills a plastic cup with ice, one cube drops from the tongs and bounces off my tray onto the floor among our feet and bags. "Oops," she smiles at me. Sam and I smile back and I assure her that it's ok. And I really have no right kicking up any sort of fuss since not one minute later as I tuck into dinner, my butter ends up next to the ice cube, sneakily jumping off my plate when I'm not looking. Sam says, "I guess there's gonna be a lot of stuff on the floor." She says it matter-of-factly. She's used to me dropping stuff by now.
Drop #? - At Lisa's, where I'm having oranges and kiwis for dinner:
I'm writing this post at the table in the living room, Lisa's in her room around the corner. I pick up a slice of orange, start to say something to Sam who's eating beef horfun across from me (Lis is afraid we're starving her. I'm just amazed she's still hungry after all that seafood in the morning.), when "Fwaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" My orange slice somehow leaps out of my hands onto the floor. From her room, Lisa yells, "Now what did she drop?" Lisa's really used to me dropping stuff. I grin sheepishly and take the orange slice to the kitchen sink for a quick wash, and Lisa, still from her room, yells, "Don't eat it Mel, throw it away!!!!" I mumble and grumble and dither a bit, and finally toss the sad bit of orange into the bin. It wasn't dirty. Not really.
Lis yells at me a lot. At least, she did back in Singapore. She's doing it slightly less here, but she's still suaning me, lots. She says she doesn't have enough people to suan here. Sigh. Anyway I said I'd put up with it since I haven't seen her in such a long time and I'll be gone in a few days. Deep down, I actually kinda missed it. Heh.
Out of the blue, she turns to me and says, "Mel, when people look at you on the bus and signal to you with their eyes that it's time to get off, you have to have that spark in your eyes to show you understand, okay?" She refers, I think, to us being separated on the bus earlier. I'm flabbergasted, "But but... I did. I signalled to you with my eyes that I got it. Right?" I turn to Sam for back-up, but Sam's ganging up on me with Lis, though she refuses to admit it, "Well yeah, you looked like you got it for a moment, but then you had that blank stare on your face. It's like, the lights are on but nobody's home. (pause) It's not that I'm ganging up on you." I pout. Sam looks at me... and adds, "It's like, you've got elevator music in your head." Lis, "Yeah, yeah! Elevator music!" She and Sam collapse into giggles. Dang. I pout some more.
And every time I laugh now, Lis laughs at me. Sam laughs at us. We all laugh. It's inane. But fun. Inane fun.
I didn't realise till I got here how much I missed Lisa's weird noises too. Walking around, she'll suddenly go, "Doodeedoodeedoo." I'll give her a funny look, and she'll shrug and say, "I was bored." Making weird noises runs in the family. Guess we get it from Mom.
Lis is taking care of us though. Well, sort of. Sam just asked, "Krispy Kreme, anyone?" Like the horfun she just wolfed down wasn't enough. Where does she put it???? Anyway, we all had a Krispy Kreme (we bought a dozen the other day and we're slowly eating our way through the box). Actually, we all took one and then took bites out of one another's. Share and enjoy! But afterwards, I started coughing.
Lis: Drink water, Mel!
Me: Okay, okay.
Then Sam starts coughing.
Lis: Drink water, Sam!
Sam: Okay...
But of course we don't. Sam's still watching TV and I'm still blogging. Heh.
Ok, more later. Time to shower. And check how much money I've got left. I'm spending waaaaaay too much in Sydney. The shopping! The food! The shopping!!!!!!
I'm definitely having fun ;)
Edit: I thought I was done blogging, but I have to add this little kicker.
I was about to shut down the laptop. I picked up a kiwi half from the bowl of cut kiwis and a spoon and started scooping up kiwi.
Me to Lis: Do I have to eat everything?
Lis: No, I'll put the kiwis in the fridge.
Me: You're just afraid I'll get kiwi juice on your laptop.
(Lis had just scolded me for getting orange pulp on the laptop screen, though I honestly have no idea how it got there.)
Lis: No, I'm not afraid of that...
Me: You say that now...
I give her a look and wave the spoon at her and before the words are even properly out of my mouth the kiwi half somehow leaps out of my grasp and tumbles merrily onto the carpet. I make a wild dive but fail to save it while Lis rolls her eyes at me.
Lis: ... That's what I was afraid of.
Sam laughs at me and I laugh at myself and even Lis cracks a smile. So everybody's happy. Heh. Hey, at least I make them laugh, right?
I seem to bump my head a lot. I take it as a given by now.
Head bump #1 - In the car in Brisbane:
Sam Chia and Jen, the girls we were staying with in Brisbane, had rented a car to ferry us all around. It was a cute yellow two-door. Pretty, but treacherous. I found that out the first time I rode in it. I somehow cracked my skull a good one as I got in the back. "Ow!" I yell. I rub my head as Sam gets in after me. She's laughing.
Head bump #? - This morning, at Lisa's:
I was putting the milk back in the fridge after breakfast, when I somehow managed to whack my head backing out of the fridge. "Ow!!" I yell. Lis, at the kitchen sink, turns to me with a huge scowl on her face. Very fiercely she hisses, "Shhhhh!!!!!" Whimpering and sniffling and clutching my head in pain, I stumble to the bed to sit down. Sam's in the room. She looks at me and tsktsks a bit. And laughs at me.
Oh and I stub my toes too.
Like this morning. Right after I bumped my head in the fridge. Packing my bag for the day's activities, my right foot decides to force an introduction with the bedpost. It's brief, but painful. "Ow!!!" I yell, then hop around a bit in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Lis says, "You know, most people just say 'ow', but you have to say 'ow' and then laugh." I say, "Hey, considering how often I do this, it's a good thing I laugh about it!"
I'm at the sister's, hogging her laptop. Not that there wasn't Internet access in Brisbane, but since it was Sam's friend and her friend we were staying with, paisay to ask lah. But now it's Lis, so... heheheh.
Anyway this is just a filler for my fans (I know I have one, at least =P) and also 'cos I think I'd forget stuff if I don't blog it as I go along. Lis just said I'd probably take hours to complete my entry if I blogged when I got back, considering how long I'm taking on this. I said I'd probably take the whole day, which means I'd be too busy to blog when I got home, and then I'd never blog at all. So. On to the entry proper, then.
Because my memory's going already, this is just for today. Everything I can remember. More when I get my photos sorted out enough to jog my memory. I'm getting old. Heh.
Saturday, 23 June
We headed down to the Sydney Fish Market for breakfast this morning. Ordered the seafood platter for two, but it was quite a challenge for the three of us. Check out the platter.
Lis holding the seafood platter. Shock and awe! And this is just breakfast.
(Pardon the sideways-ness. Lis refuses to help me turn the picture the right way up. "Tell people to turn their heads." is her advice. I'll right the pictures when I get back to Singapore. In the meantime, turn your heads, people.)
It was HUGE. Loaded with battered fish, calamari, giant prawns, baby octopus, cheesy oysters and mussels topped with bacon bits, and a ton of fries. We didn't quite manage to polish off the whole thing, but I think we pretty much did justice to it. Check out the remains of our breakfast.
We had to fend off the birds. A flock of noisy seagulls eyeballed us as we ate. A couple of ibis stalked around in the background, and one tried to quietly sneak up on us. We caught it in the act though. It just looked at us and then nonchalantly turned around and walked away, like, "I was just having a stroll. I wasn't trying to steal your food, honest!"
Man, we were sooooo stuffed after breakfast. Like, all the way till dinner-time! The following exchange ensued while we were trying to settle on a place for dinner.
Me: French onion soup... I think that's all I can handle now. Anything more than that, my stomach will explode.
Lis: Right now, the thought of eating scares me.
We walk past a stall selling baked potatoes.
Me: Wow. For the first time in my life, baked potato doesn't excite me.
Lis: This is sad. I'm not even hungry. I'm still, like, burping up seafood.
We collapse into inane giggles. And head to Cole's to pick up kiwis and mandarin oranges for dinner.
At Cole's. For some reason, Shrek is huge here. I don't understand what the big deal is. No puns intended =P
I've dropped food everywhere. In Brisbane and Sydney, at Sam Chia's and Lisa's, in restaurants and shops and sidewalks and roads, even on the plane. I've pretty much left a trail of dropped stuff behind me.
Drop #1 - On the plane from Singapore to Brisbane:
The air stewardess is handing out drinks. She's serving the passenger across the aisle. As she fills a plastic cup with ice, one cube drops from the tongs and bounces off my tray onto the floor among our feet and bags. "Oops," she smiles at me. Sam and I smile back and I assure her that it's ok. And I really have no right kicking up any sort of fuss since not one minute later as I tuck into dinner, my butter ends up next to the ice cube, sneakily jumping off my plate when I'm not looking. Sam says, "I guess there's gonna be a lot of stuff on the floor." She says it matter-of-factly. She's used to me dropping stuff by now.
Drop #? - At Lisa's, where I'm having oranges and kiwis for dinner:
I'm writing this post at the table in the living room, Lisa's in her room around the corner. I pick up a slice of orange, start to say something to Sam who's eating beef horfun across from me (Lis is afraid we're starving her. I'm just amazed she's still hungry after all that seafood in the morning.), when "Fwaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" My orange slice somehow leaps out of my hands onto the floor. From her room, Lisa yells, "Now what did she drop?" Lisa's really used to me dropping stuff. I grin sheepishly and take the orange slice to the kitchen sink for a quick wash, and Lisa, still from her room, yells, "Don't eat it Mel, throw it away!!!!" I mumble and grumble and dither a bit, and finally toss the sad bit of orange into the bin. It wasn't dirty. Not really.
Lis yells at me a lot. At least, she did back in Singapore. She's doing it slightly less here, but she's still suaning me, lots. She says she doesn't have enough people to suan here. Sigh. Anyway I said I'd put up with it since I haven't seen her in such a long time and I'll be gone in a few days. Deep down, I actually kinda missed it. Heh.
Out of the blue, she turns to me and says, "Mel, when people look at you on the bus and signal to you with their eyes that it's time to get off, you have to have that spark in your eyes to show you understand, okay?" She refers, I think, to us being separated on the bus earlier. I'm flabbergasted, "But but... I did. I signalled to you with my eyes that I got it. Right?" I turn to Sam for back-up, but Sam's ganging up on me with Lis, though she refuses to admit it, "Well yeah, you looked like you got it for a moment, but then you had that blank stare on your face. It's like, the lights are on but nobody's home. (pause) It's not that I'm ganging up on you." I pout. Sam looks at me... and adds, "It's like, you've got elevator music in your head." Lis, "Yeah, yeah! Elevator music!" She and Sam collapse into giggles. Dang. I pout some more.
And every time I laugh now, Lis laughs at me. Sam laughs at us. We all laugh. It's inane. But fun. Inane fun.
I didn't realise till I got here how much I missed Lisa's weird noises too. Walking around, she'll suddenly go, "Doodeedoodeedoo." I'll give her a funny look, and she'll shrug and say, "I was bored." Making weird noises runs in the family. Guess we get it from Mom.
Lis is taking care of us though. Well, sort of. Sam just asked, "Krispy Kreme, anyone?" Like the horfun she just wolfed down wasn't enough. Where does she put it???? Anyway, we all had a Krispy Kreme (we bought a dozen the other day and we're slowly eating our way through the box). Actually, we all took one and then took bites out of one another's. Share and enjoy! But afterwards, I started coughing.
Lis: Drink water, Mel!
Me: Okay, okay.
Then Sam starts coughing.
Lis: Drink water, Sam!
Sam: Okay...
But of course we don't. Sam's still watching TV and I'm still blogging. Heh.
Ok, more later. Time to shower. And check how much money I've got left. I'm spending waaaaaay too much in Sydney. The shopping! The food! The shopping!!!!!!
I'm definitely having fun ;)
Edit: I thought I was done blogging, but I have to add this little kicker.
I was about to shut down the laptop. I picked up a kiwi half from the bowl of cut kiwis and a spoon and started scooping up kiwi.
Me to Lis: Do I have to eat everything?
Lis: No, I'll put the kiwis in the fridge.
Me: You're just afraid I'll get kiwi juice on your laptop.
(Lis had just scolded me for getting orange pulp on the laptop screen, though I honestly have no idea how it got there.)
Lis: No, I'm not afraid of that...
Me: You say that now...
I give her a look and wave the spoon at her and before the words are even properly out of my mouth the kiwi half somehow leaps out of my grasp and tumbles merrily onto the carpet. I make a wild dive but fail to save it while Lis rolls her eyes at me.
Lis: ... That's what I was afraid of.
Sam laughs at me and I laugh at myself and even Lis cracks a smile. So everybody's happy. Heh. Hey, at least I make them laugh, right?
I seem to bump my head a lot. I take it as a given by now.
Head bump #1 - In the car in Brisbane:
Sam Chia and Jen, the girls we were staying with in Brisbane, had rented a car to ferry us all around. It was a cute yellow two-door. Pretty, but treacherous. I found that out the first time I rode in it. I somehow cracked my skull a good one as I got in the back. "Ow!" I yell. I rub my head as Sam gets in after me. She's laughing.
Head bump #? - This morning, at Lisa's:
I was putting the milk back in the fridge after breakfast, when I somehow managed to whack my head backing out of the fridge. "Ow!!" I yell. Lis, at the kitchen sink, turns to me with a huge scowl on her face. Very fiercely she hisses, "Shhhhh!!!!!" Whimpering and sniffling and clutching my head in pain, I stumble to the bed to sit down. Sam's in the room. She looks at me and tsktsks a bit. And laughs at me.
Oh and I stub my toes too.
Like this morning. Right after I bumped my head in the fridge. Packing my bag for the day's activities, my right foot decides to force an introduction with the bedpost. It's brief, but painful. "Ow!!!" I yell, then hop around a bit in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Lis says, "You know, most people just say 'ow', but you have to say 'ow' and then laugh." I say, "Hey, considering how often I do this, it's a good thing I laugh about it!"
At 2:09 AM,
crapshoot said…
Argh my neck hurts now. Stupid Lis.
At 6:12 PM,
Blue_belle said…
Heehee. Don't say that, she got you a Super Mario lanyard ;)
At 1:37 AM,
crapshoot said…
At 2:28 PM,
princesssaf said…
omg such amusing antics! keep us updated! (but don't bump into things/ get urself hurt so often!)
At 9:00 PM,
Blue_belle said…
Saf: I'm trying! I really am!
Greg: OMG... what?
At 11:25 PM,
crapshoot said…
Er. The Super Mario lanyard lor. It doth maketh me happy.
At 2:13 AM,
Blue_belle said…
Heh. Good. We'll meet up soon 'kayyyyy? I got you a 'roo!
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