Running to Brokeback and other stuff
I ran today! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so it was only about 5 or 6 clicks, and yes, I've slowed down an awful lot over the years (*grumble*) and errr yeah I had a huge supper afterwards... but still. I ran, okay!!!!!
It was a good run. It's always better with someone else. Especially with guys, 'cos they're faster so (a) my sense of pride won't let me quit and I'll run till I die 'cos I don't wanna lose face, and (b) I don't feel bad about being so slow 'cos they're bigger anyway. Heh. Looking forward to next week's.
For those who haven't heard (that would be nearly everyone), I'm taking part in the JP Morgan run. If you don't know what that is, well I'm too tired to explain and you don't have to know anyway. All you really need to know is it's a run, a short one, but my colleagues and I are all out of shape (okay, me lah. Boo!) so we're having not one, but two training sessions every week. Hopefully in a couple of months I'll have washboard abs. Ah well, I can dream can't I?
Anyway, my legs are so sore now. Just past the halfway point my legs lost all feeling and I pretty much completed the run on two huge blocks of pins and needles (oh wait, isn't that a contradiction?... Whatever). After cooling down I pretty much just flopped down and massaged my legs till the feeling slowly returned. Not that that was such a good thing. Ahhhhhh... the pain, tha pain! I might have trouble going to the loo tomorrow. (This really brings back fond memories of cross-country training in JC. Back then, I kinda looked forward to having trouble with the loo, 'cos it meant I really did have washboard abs. Well, nearly. *Tear*)
I wanna blog a lot more, there's been a lot of stuff going through my head lately. Some good, some bad, some just plain confused. The stuff is, I mean, not me. Or is it both? Anyway. If I don't let it out soon I'll go nuts or nuttier. But time isn't on my side tonight. It rarely is. So maybe tomorrow. Or something. Hoping to update the look of this ol' blog soon too. We'll see what we can whip up (by 'we' I mean Greg). So stay tuned!
K, time for bed! Man this week's gonna be crazy. Mom's birthday on Thurs, I'm on course on Fri and then we're celebrating in the evening, I got stuff to pick up tomorrow, planning a beach outing on Sat and there's also a blood donor thingy at the Heeren (yes, there's now a club for blood donors. Sigh. Much guilt I feel. When's the last time I gave? And all those poor needy bloodless people out there) and Sun I guess will be taken up by church and cell. I love the guys in my cell! They're so fun to talk to. Okay, well, I love guys in general. (Greg, just be glad I love guys and not girls. Then again, you're a guy, so...)
Which reminds me. It's kinda depressing that the hottest kiss I've seen in recent memory was between two gay guys. Yes, Brokeback Mountain. Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal (mmmmm!). Yes, Heath Ledger (double mmmmm!). How do they do it? Maybe they both really are a little bit gay. Straight couples could take a leaf out of their book. Mmmmmmmm... dreamy.
Okay, well, it's hard not to be turned on by those two guys. Although watching it with a parent could dampen the mood. I told my Dad I'd take him out for lunch as a Valentine's Day present, he suggested a movie on my day off. First he suggested Mrs Henderson Presents (which has full frontal nudity by the way - suffice it to say, his choice of movie was unexpected) but I wanted to watch Brokeback. So we happily bought the tickets before I remembered, aren't there naked guys having sex in this movie? But since Dad fell asleep during the show I guess he didn't mind it too much! He watched Mrs Henderson with my Mom in the end, and she was telling me yesterday how perky the bits were. The 'rents ARE pretty open. I always knew they were, but I forget sometimes. They're cool. I love them.
2 am and I really need to go. As an ex-cellmate used to say, I have an appointment with my bed. Goodnight.
Okay, so it was only about 5 or 6 clicks, and yes, I've slowed down an awful lot over the years (*grumble*) and errr yeah I had a huge supper afterwards... but still. I ran, okay!!!!!
It was a good run. It's always better with someone else. Especially with guys, 'cos they're faster so (a) my sense of pride won't let me quit and I'll run till I die 'cos I don't wanna lose face, and (b) I don't feel bad about being so slow 'cos they're bigger anyway. Heh. Looking forward to next week's.
For those who haven't heard (that would be nearly everyone), I'm taking part in the JP Morgan run. If you don't know what that is, well I'm too tired to explain and you don't have to know anyway. All you really need to know is it's a run, a short one, but my colleagues and I are all out of shape (okay, me lah. Boo!) so we're having not one, but two training sessions every week. Hopefully in a couple of months I'll have washboard abs. Ah well, I can dream can't I?
Anyway, my legs are so sore now. Just past the halfway point my legs lost all feeling and I pretty much completed the run on two huge blocks of pins and needles (oh wait, isn't that a contradiction?... Whatever). After cooling down I pretty much just flopped down and massaged my legs till the feeling slowly returned. Not that that was such a good thing. Ahhhhhh... the pain, tha pain! I might have trouble going to the loo tomorrow. (This really brings back fond memories of cross-country training in JC. Back then, I kinda looked forward to having trouble with the loo, 'cos it meant I really did have washboard abs. Well, nearly. *Tear*)
I wanna blog a lot more, there's been a lot of stuff going through my head lately. Some good, some bad, some just plain confused. The stuff is, I mean, not me. Or is it both? Anyway. If I don't let it out soon I'll go nuts or nuttier. But time isn't on my side tonight. It rarely is. So maybe tomorrow. Or something. Hoping to update the look of this ol' blog soon too. We'll see what we can whip up (by 'we' I mean Greg). So stay tuned!
K, time for bed! Man this week's gonna be crazy. Mom's birthday on Thurs, I'm on course on Fri and then we're celebrating in the evening, I got stuff to pick up tomorrow, planning a beach outing on Sat and there's also a blood donor thingy at the Heeren (yes, there's now a club for blood donors. Sigh. Much guilt I feel. When's the last time I gave? And all those poor needy bloodless people out there) and Sun I guess will be taken up by church and cell. I love the guys in my cell! They're so fun to talk to. Okay, well, I love guys in general. (Greg, just be glad I love guys and not girls. Then again, you're a guy, so...)
Which reminds me. It's kinda depressing that the hottest kiss I've seen in recent memory was between two gay guys. Yes, Brokeback Mountain. Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal (mmmmm!). Yes, Heath Ledger (double mmmmm!). How do they do it? Maybe they both really are a little bit gay. Straight couples could take a leaf out of their book. Mmmmmmmm... dreamy.
Okay, well, it's hard not to be turned on by those two guys. Although watching it with a parent could dampen the mood. I told my Dad I'd take him out for lunch as a Valentine's Day present, he suggested a movie on my day off. First he suggested Mrs Henderson Presents (which has full frontal nudity by the way - suffice it to say, his choice of movie was unexpected) but I wanted to watch Brokeback. So we happily bought the tickets before I remembered, aren't there naked guys having sex in this movie? But since Dad fell asleep during the show I guess he didn't mind it too much! He watched Mrs Henderson with my Mom in the end, and she was telling me yesterday how perky the bits were. The 'rents ARE pretty open. I always knew they were, but I forget sometimes. They're cool. I love them.
2 am and I really need to go. As an ex-cellmate used to say, I have an appointment with my bed. Goodnight.
At 1:38 AM,
crapshoot said…
lets get this straight. you're to get your blog all nice and pretty-like?
*breaks into peals of laughter*
At 8:42 AM,
direcow said…
*peals of laughter* - is really not what I quite expect.
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