Fry me to the moon

This Sunday's dinner: Fried rice paradise!
That's my wannabe-artistic shot of two plates of fried rice and one plate of egg strips. I did the eggs separately 'cos some people (read: me lor) don't eat them. Hurhur.
Wah making omelettes is fun man! You get to roll the eggs around the whole wok to make the omelette paper-thin and then they cook really fast and turn out so fluffy and pretty...!!!
Hahaha okay that's so suaku. Like never cook eggs before. Well actually I think that's the first time I ever made an omelette (in fact, I made two!!!!) since I don't eat them anyway. I haven't eaten eggs since I was about 5 years old. According to my mom, I used to love the things in my much younger days and gobbled one down every single day, you know, the semi-boiled runny-yolk kind with soya sauce that you can still get in traditional coffee shops. Then one day I just stopped eating them. Didn't like them anymore, couldn't stand them. Still can't. My friends tell me I'm missing out on so much. But I can't help it. The eggy taste just makes me want to puke.
I know, I'm weird. So what's new?
Eggs used in cakes and pastries don't count. If I can't detect the eggy taste I'm fine. But I'll pick out any bits of egg in my steamboat or salad or fried rice... which is why I did the eggs separately from the fried rice. So now you know! =P
Anyway, yummy fried rice! Yay!!! Happy is I. And so easy to make. Just slice the char siew and sausage (my favourite bits), dump everything in a wok and fry. And cook the eggs, of course ;)
Have to try something more challenging next time... Was just so tired today. Work was insane Monday to Friday. Felt pretty burnt out by the time Friday rolled around. So thankful for weekends man! The weekend was even busier than Mon to Fri, but much much much more fun.
Cell group on Friday night. Decided to catch Phantom of the Opera with the girls in April. And the next CG meeting is gonna be another Entz (Entertainment) Night! Wheeee! Spent Saturday trawling Far East Plaza with Sam, bought a lot and spent too much again, and went home broke and tired but very happy. Here's my haul:
- One pair of dark blue boot-cut jeans (only $19.90!!!! I love Far East!)
- One pair of gorgeous strappy kitten heels with a really sweet blue-and-purple floral design (This one's even better. $12.90 with a $4 discount on every two pairs of shoes. Sam bought another pair so that knocked the price of mine to $10.90. Even Mom approved.)
- One pair of knee-length curdoroy pants which fit me like a dream
- One black office skirt - simple, comfy and shows my legs. All plus points.
- One pretty pink handbag. (Yes, it's pretty pink.) Big enough to put my running gear in so I can bring it to work on the days I want to run. Well, everything fits in except for my running shoes lah. For those I need...
- One Nike shoebag. Whee! Itsa pretty. Though not as pretty as the Nike gym bag I got for Christmas, so I guess I'll still be carrying that to work sometimes haha.
- One sleeveless, crumply tan blouse. I mean, the colour is tan (I think). I'd say nude but, well... Hee. Anyway. Itsa also pretty!
- One stripey, purple long-sleeved shirt. I have to say a major factor in my decision to buy this was how skinny it makes me look. It's weird. I thought horizontal stripes were supposed to make you look fatter, but this shirt just makes me look... well let's just say it brings out the best in me. I think so anyway ;)
- Two pretty pretty belts. One is brown and woven, the other is white and embroidered. Can't wait to try them out!
Yeah good haul. But seriously broke now. Next time Sam, we'll just catch a movie yeah? Heh ;)
Was too tired to do much more on Saturday. Anyway, so much going on today too. After service and Bible class and choir practice we had our pizza party. So fun! Food was good, games were great and I found out one of the ladies knows my dad! Small world. Haha.
Then off to my grandma's. Sat down and chitchatted with my grandma and my aunts. Was asked when I planned to get married. One of my aunts said Lionel seems like a nice boy. Hurhur.
Came home, had a quick nap, cooked dinner, blogged... and now it's time for bed. I'm schleepy. Gonna hit the sack early tonight.
Looking forward to Canada. Only 12 more days!!!!!! Can't wait can't wait can't wait. Heard Gap is cheap there. Ehehe.
Miss you babe. Wish you were here. Or that I were there already. I will be, really soon! ;)
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
My Jeneeus baby, I wish you'd come up sooner, but I'm counting down the days. LOVE YOU LOTS!!!
At 3:11 PM,
Blue_belle said…
Oh babe! Yeah counting down... counting down... 11 days to Vancouver, snow and Lionel ;) love you sweetheart!
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