What is love?
A feeling of closeness, a special connection shared by two (or more) people, that tiny but undeniable, unquenchable spark between a boy and a girl? Is it everlasting? Or just a passing phase?
Human love, well, that's fickle. The lucky few make it to happily ever after, some have their fairytales smashed to bits along the way, and some just never get there at all. You could be head-over-heels in love one minute, and out on the street with your head spinning the next. Not very reliable, then, human love.
Oh, don't get me wrong. Despite everything that's transpired so far in my incredibly dramatic romantic life, I'm still a believer in true love. Love that lasts. That goes beyond saying "I love you" to simply showing it in ways words could never tell. Love that never breaks, never blames, never demands anything, always forgives... love that is, well, real.
Human love? Maybe. I'm not giving up on that. Yet. At least, I do believe a man and a woman can fall in love and make it last, even if it doesn't happen for me. Hey, it works for my parents. I believe in their love. And I believe in my father's love for me. That love, so far, has proven deep and true, and I don't think that will change.
I also believe in my Father's love for me. Unconditional, incomprehensible, depthless love. The ultimate love. Love so deep that He suffered and died on the cross for me. Love that covers all my sins, love that can never die.
It's good to know there's Someone I can count on when human love proves so frail. Maybe this is His way of pushing - or pulling - me into a closer relationship with Him. Who knows? Whatever it is, I'm taking it. In the end, only one Lover can ever satisfy all my needs. And He has promised that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. I'm clinging to that promise.
It's Good Friday (or a little after, anyway), the day He gave His life for me. Let's take a minute to think about that. He gave His LIFE for ME????? How utterly, insanely, mindbogglingly incomprehensible.
It could only be... Love. Love with a capital L. Love such that you would lay down your life for someone else.
That's Love.
On the third day, He rose again. That's Easter Sunday. Well, on Sunday night, I'll know for sure whether I should start patching up the broken pieces of my heart... or pick them up and chuck them out the window. Part of me is scared that whatever you have to say, the damage will have been done. Words, once spoken, are so hard to retrieve.
Oh my darling, my darling, my darling... How could you? Rip my heart out like that. I've already given everything I could. I started the day with an overwhelming sense of loss. I'm still pretty lost. I don't understand - What went wrong? It pains me so deeply to think you could ever consider throwing all of this away. And the things that you said...
I won't dwell on them now. Sunday will come soon enough. But by His grace and strength, come what may, I'll rise again. Because this time I'm counting on Someone I know for sure I can count on.
In the end, that's all that matters, right?
Hope you had a better Good Friday than I. Blessed Easter.
A feeling of closeness, a special connection shared by two (or more) people, that tiny but undeniable, unquenchable spark between a boy and a girl? Is it everlasting? Or just a passing phase?
Human love, well, that's fickle. The lucky few make it to happily ever after, some have their fairytales smashed to bits along the way, and some just never get there at all. You could be head-over-heels in love one minute, and out on the street with your head spinning the next. Not very reliable, then, human love.
Oh, don't get me wrong. Despite everything that's transpired so far in my incredibly dramatic romantic life, I'm still a believer in true love. Love that lasts. That goes beyond saying "I love you" to simply showing it in ways words could never tell. Love that never breaks, never blames, never demands anything, always forgives... love that is, well, real.
Human love? Maybe. I'm not giving up on that. Yet. At least, I do believe a man and a woman can fall in love and make it last, even if it doesn't happen for me. Hey, it works for my parents. I believe in their love. And I believe in my father's love for me. That love, so far, has proven deep and true, and I don't think that will change.
I also believe in my Father's love for me. Unconditional, incomprehensible, depthless love. The ultimate love. Love so deep that He suffered and died on the cross for me. Love that covers all my sins, love that can never die.
It's good to know there's Someone I can count on when human love proves so frail. Maybe this is His way of pushing - or pulling - me into a closer relationship with Him. Who knows? Whatever it is, I'm taking it. In the end, only one Lover can ever satisfy all my needs. And He has promised that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. I'm clinging to that promise.
It's Good Friday (or a little after, anyway), the day He gave His life for me. Let's take a minute to think about that. He gave His LIFE for ME????? How utterly, insanely, mindbogglingly incomprehensible.
It could only be... Love. Love with a capital L. Love such that you would lay down your life for someone else.
That's Love.
On the third day, He rose again. That's Easter Sunday. Well, on Sunday night, I'll know for sure whether I should start patching up the broken pieces of my heart... or pick them up and chuck them out the window. Part of me is scared that whatever you have to say, the damage will have been done. Words, once spoken, are so hard to retrieve.
Oh my darling, my darling, my darling... How could you? Rip my heart out like that. I've already given everything I could. I started the day with an overwhelming sense of loss. I'm still pretty lost. I don't understand - What went wrong? It pains me so deeply to think you could ever consider throwing all of this away. And the things that you said...
I won't dwell on them now. Sunday will come soon enough. But by His grace and strength, come what may, I'll rise again. Because this time I'm counting on Someone I know for sure I can count on.
In the end, that's all that matters, right?
Hope you had a better Good Friday than I. Blessed Easter.
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