What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger
To cut a long story short, here it is: Lionel and I have broken up. I don't want to say too much here about why. If I tell you, I tell you, okay? I guess everyone who's really close to me knows by now anyway. Let's just say it's not so much about us, it's just something Lionel needs to work out on his own right now and as much as I want to help him, I really don't know how to. So the wisest thing to do right now, as much as it absolutely kills me, is to let him go.
Yes, I still love him. And yes, he still loves me. That, at least, is some small comfort. Honestly though, I don't know how long it will last. Oh I admit, part of me is desperately hoping that somehow, by some miracle, we'll still end up together. But let's be realistic. Love without commitment doesn't usually stand the test of time, let alone distance. But hey, fortunately, I do believe in miracles. So I'm still hoping for one.
Yes, yes, everybody's saying I should do the smart thing and just get on with my life. I know. I know. I'm not counting on anyone right now except God. I'm not waiting for him, as much as I'm tempted to. Both of us will go on with whatever we were doing before, and whatever happens, happens. I'm not going to force anything, but I'm not closing the door on anything either.
I'll keep his pictures. As long as I love him I'll keep them. I won't wear my ring though. I've taken it off and laid it by my pillow. If one day we do get back together he can put it back on for me. Till then, my finger will remain unadorned (unless someone else adorns it first). Feels weird not to be wearing it... except for baths and snowboarding (ouch), I never took my ring off. I wonder how long it'll take to get used to it. I have a tanline where the ring used to be. My finger feels naked without that circle of silver. Now I want to cry every time I look at my hand.
Who knows? I'm sure this is all part of God's plan for us, whether we wind up together or not. I'm trying to be as mature about this as possible, so I'm just trusting Him. Maybe it's time we stopped relying on our own strength and leaning on our own understanding, and just let God take over. There has to be a reason for this.
I have to say something positive has come out of this already. Thanks everyone who's sms-ed or MSN-ed or called or written a card or given me a bookmark to offer words of comfort and encouragement. Thanks for the offers to go shopping, watch movies, do lunch or dinner or let me tag along on whatever you happen to have planned. Thanks for staying with me, for trying to make me smile, for listening, for praying. Thanks for the hugs and friendly pats on the back. Thanks for the loads of tissues.
As overwhelmed as I was by grief (I'm much better now), all your support and love and assurances that things will be ok are pretty overwhelming too. It's good to know so many people care. I love you guys (and gals). Thank you, all of you (though it's highly unlikely many of you ever read this) - Pris, Jasmina, Chew Ling, Jeff, Sue, Jin, Nick, Sam, Weiwen, Jack, Far, Saf, Min (that's all my HPC girls!), Nicholas, Gerald, Mel, Karen, Alvin, Greg, Adora, my parents. Phew. I'm touched.
Here's one message from a very special friend of mine (you know who you are): Trust in Him, that He has beautiful plans for you, just that He has not revealed them yet, and that everything you go through is bringing you closer to His plans, even though it hurts at times.
It hurts. It hurts a lot. I was heartbroken, shattered, devastated. I think I'm holding it together but now and then I still want to keel over and sob my heart out. How close am I to His plans now? Well I know, I know there's someone out there for me. Whether it's Lionel or someone else, I know he's there, and I know he'll be awesome. If God can take Lionel away from me, well he will surely give me something better. In the spirit of faith I've made a list of things my future husband absolutely must have. Let's call it my prayer list. Hey, He did say, Ask and it shall be given unto you.
The 12 Things My Husband Must Have
1. A very close relationship with God (the most important one)
2. Sense of humour
3. Commitment
4. Gentlemanly behaviour (I'm old-fashioned that way)
5. Sense of family (that means he has a good relationship with his own family, gets on well with mine, and wants one of his own, with lots of kids. This one is very very very important.)
6. Physical attraction (I don't think this is shallow. How a guy looks and carries himself says a lot about his character. Good grooming speaks volumes about discipline and loving your body. If a guy can't take care of his own body how can I trust him with mine?)
7. Romantic spirit
8. Sense of adventure (Wimps need not apply)
9. A happy, friendly disposition
10. Intelligence
11. Maturity
12. Chemistry with me (like, duh. That elusive special spark... I miss it already.)
Notice it says 'husband', not 'boyfriend'. If I'm doing this, I'm doing it all the way. I'm not going to play games anymore - I'm so afraid of that happening. Filling my emotional void with senseless relationships that last a moment, just to make myself feel better. It never works. I'd rather hang out with my girlfriends (sorry boys, I'm doing this for your sakes too. I'm just too vulnerable right now).
Anyway, those items on my list, they're the things I like about and value most in myself (with the exception of gentlemanly behaviour - replace that with femininity - and chemistry - I value that in a relationship). I wouldn't ask for something I couldn't achieve myself. I don't think it's fair to hold someone else to a standard you couldn't reach. There are other things I like in myself of course (you probably know by now, my weakest point is my pride) but I think most of them already come with the Christian spirit.
Well, that's what I'm gonna be on the lookout for now. I need these guidelines - I don't want to sell myself short by falling for the first half-decent guy to come along. I know myself too well. I may think I'm older and wiser now but fact is, when your self-esteem is shattered you take what you can get, and by the time you realise what a mistake you're making it's too late. So no excuses this time. I'm doing this right.
In a way I feel like I've got one last chance to make it perfect. He's hit rewind and we're going though the movie of my life frame by frame now. So when I'm back to this point and I've gone through it all in my head again, I'll take a deep breath and go slow and be as careful as I possibly can. Avoid all the traps and mistakes from previous relationships. Watch out for all the red flags. Take my time, enjoy myself. I have to say, whoever I end up with next, is gonna have it good. As girlfriends go, I think I've been pretty good all along (I'm being modest, honest). So the question is, now how can I top myself?
I'm feeling better already.
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stay strong, Mel. The sad times will pass, and happier times will come. =)
At 10:19 PM,
Blue_belle said…
Thanks Gerald =)
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