In His hands
In His hands
Learning His ways
In His footsteps
Living each day
Though my life
Broken may be
I'm healed by His love
Woken in me
Through His might
I'll work through my pain
By His grace
I'm growing again
Help me Lord, Father,
To rest in Your hands
To trust in Your wisdom
In Your perfect plans
And help me to show
By my words and my deeds
Your power to rescue
When souls are in need
Let me not stop proclaiming
That which I love best
For safe in Your hands
Is where I find my rest
I. Am. Sooooooooooo. Blessed. I really truly am. I've felt it an awful lot this year, but especially recently. Counting my blessings...
1. I have a wonderful family that's remarkably close-knit, despite my sis being in Australia and my bro mostly in camp. I'm thankful I had the chance to take my bro out for a movie last weekend, even if it was Balls of Fury =P
2. I have an awesome group of friends who I absolutely love to bits - my girls, my boys, and my cell. Hanging out with any of them is total stress relief!
3. I have amazing colleagues who make work seem like play. The cool bit is that the line between 'colleagues' and 'friends' gets awfully blurred for me these days. I love my teams! *group hug* Even you, Nethia, you eviiiiil gurl.
4. I have incredibly exciting plans for next year to look forward to - I'm insanely impatient and head-boppingly happy half the time, which makes for amusing watching if you're a certain someone who spends a lot of time watching me =P
5. I have that certain someone to execute my plans with, to keep me sane when I'm rushed off my feet, to rub my feet after a 10km run, to buy me chrysanthemum tea when I'm hacking my lungs up, to laugh at me when I trip over things and pretend not to see when I drop other things, to nag me to sleep early when I've brought home work, to take me home when I get high on (one sip of) my lychee martini, to talk to me, pray with me, encourage me, praise me, flatter me, sayang me, cuddle me, love me to bits. Eeeeps. I really am blessed ;)
And now I have a new job. Wheeeeee!!!!!! With better hours and higher pay, in a great location near a certain someone's part-time office, working with ex-colleagues-turned friends. So much fun!
I'm really thankful. Thankful that the interview went well despite my coughing my way through it. Thankful that I got the interview at all. Thankful that I got the offer. Thankful that it came so soon 'cos I was in a state of nervous excitement whenever I actually had time to think about it. Thankful that the bonus came right before I got the offer so I didn't have anything to worry about. Thankful that everyone was so encouraging. Thankful for everything.
I was worrying about it a little last night. More than before the interview. I had a good feeling about it going in, mainly because I knew I had a whole bunch of lovely people praying for me. Not necessarily that I'd get the job, but that God would direct my path and that I would be able to trust to Him to take care of me. So I just did my best, and I knew deep down that whatever happened I would be content with the outcome (although possibly slightly more content if I got the offer). But afterwards, when I started to over-analyse things, I got a bit worried. Thanks to a certain someone who calmed me down very nicely by praying with me. Love you, sweetheart! ;) What would I do without you?
Right now, I'm just very very very very happy. There is so much to look forward to... I can't wait for December. Haha. I love making plans. Which makes it difficult to trust to His plans sometimes. Divine irony again, as you would say =P Either way, it's all good. And like you said, we've barely just begun! I'm excited. Aren't you?
Learning His ways
In His footsteps
Living each day
Though my life
Broken may be
I'm healed by His love
Woken in me
Through His might
I'll work through my pain
By His grace
I'm growing again
Help me Lord, Father,
To rest in Your hands
To trust in Your wisdom
In Your perfect plans
And help me to show
By my words and my deeds
Your power to rescue
When souls are in need
Let me not stop proclaiming
That which I love best
For safe in Your hands
Is where I find my rest
I. Am. Sooooooooooo. Blessed. I really truly am. I've felt it an awful lot this year, but especially recently. Counting my blessings...
1. I have a wonderful family that's remarkably close-knit, despite my sis being in Australia and my bro mostly in camp. I'm thankful I had the chance to take my bro out for a movie last weekend, even if it was Balls of Fury =P
2. I have an awesome group of friends who I absolutely love to bits - my girls, my boys, and my cell. Hanging out with any of them is total stress relief!
3. I have amazing colleagues who make work seem like play. The cool bit is that the line between 'colleagues' and 'friends' gets awfully blurred for me these days. I love my teams! *group hug* Even you, Nethia, you eviiiiil gurl.
4. I have incredibly exciting plans for next year to look forward to - I'm insanely impatient and head-boppingly happy half the time, which makes for amusing watching if you're a certain someone who spends a lot of time watching me =P
5. I have that certain someone to execute my plans with, to keep me sane when I'm rushed off my feet, to rub my feet after a 10km run, to buy me chrysanthemum tea when I'm hacking my lungs up, to laugh at me when I trip over things and pretend not to see when I drop other things, to nag me to sleep early when I've brought home work, to take me home when I get high on (one sip of) my lychee martini, to talk to me, pray with me, encourage me, praise me, flatter me, sayang me, cuddle me, love me to bits. Eeeeps. I really am blessed ;)
And now I have a new job. Wheeeeee!!!!!! With better hours and higher pay, in a great location near a certain someone's part-time office, working with ex-colleagues-turned friends. So much fun!
I'm really thankful. Thankful that the interview went well despite my coughing my way through it. Thankful that I got the interview at all. Thankful that I got the offer. Thankful that it came so soon 'cos I was in a state of nervous excitement whenever I actually had time to think about it. Thankful that the bonus came right before I got the offer so I didn't have anything to worry about. Thankful that everyone was so encouraging. Thankful for everything.
I was worrying about it a little last night. More than before the interview. I had a good feeling about it going in, mainly because I knew I had a whole bunch of lovely people praying for me. Not necessarily that I'd get the job, but that God would direct my path and that I would be able to trust to Him to take care of me. So I just did my best, and I knew deep down that whatever happened I would be content with the outcome (although possibly slightly more content if I got the offer). But afterwards, when I started to over-analyse things, I got a bit worried. Thanks to a certain someone who calmed me down very nicely by praying with me. Love you, sweetheart! ;) What would I do without you?
Right now, I'm just very very very very happy. There is so much to look forward to... I can't wait for December. Haha. I love making plans. Which makes it difficult to trust to His plans sometimes. Divine irony again, as you would say =P Either way, it's all good. And like you said, we've barely just begun! I'm excited. Aren't you?
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi. Looking forward to seeing you in the office.
At 4:54 PM,
Blue_belle said…
Hee thanks Ryan! Looking forward to seeing all of you too ;)
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