Melancholy is just prettier
Grayscale (Melancholy is just prettier)
You grow up with yourself
You grow old with yourself
You think you know yourself
But you don’t really know yourself at all
And I have to admit I’ve grown blind
To my faults and flaws
I am a law
Unto myself
Can’t tell light from darkness anymore
Mix the black in with the white
Watch it turn to shades of grey
And call it beautiful
Yeah it’s so beautiful
If I took a snapshot of you now
What would I see
What would you be
Monotone monochrome
Or a burst of living colour on a dark dark night
Turn your head and catch the light
Capture your silhouette in my sights
Let’s hear it for gray
‘Cos melancholy is just prettier
The lack of colour
Makes you look past the colour
To the inside
‘Cos we’re all the same inside
We’re all beautiful
Went shopping with the girls tonight. Great time as usual. You babes never fail me.
Walking out of a shop, we happen across cute pink compacts with stick drawings of smiling girls on the lid. One has a girl wearing a baseball cap and clutching a baseball mitt, with 'Made it to second base!' scrawled under her.
Saf: I always wondered what second base was. Third base too. I know first base is kissing...
Me (equally mystified): And a home run means... sex, right?
Saf: Yeah, so second and third base mean... ?
Far (totally blurts this out): Perky territory!
Say what? We look at one another and crack up.
In another store, after much browsing and consultation, we've finally come to a consensus (PRETTY!). On our way to get our selections gift wrapped, we keep getting inexplicably sidetracked. It's like we're getting sucked from one side of the aisle to the other.
I am first enamored by a pretty pink pillow with a way cool, but very sweet, black flower design. This is maybe ten metres from the gift wrap counter.
Me: Oooooh look at this pillow! I want!
Far: Yeah it would fit right in with your room!
Me: Yeah... (sigh) ok better get to the gift wrap counter.
We don't get very far, however, before Saf spots some funky purple suitcases right opposite, and she's off.
Saf: Look purple luggage!
Me: Don't get sidetracked people, the counter's right there!
Saf: But... it's purple!
Far (almost makes it but looks back): Oh... it IS purple!
Saf reluctantly leaves the funky purple suitcases behind but her attention is almost immediately grabbed by more purple suitcases up ahead. These are bright purple, and one is the hugest-ass suitcase ever.
Saf: Look, it's so purple!
We make it to the counter after about five minutes. And then zigzag our way back out of the store.
But not before we help Saf find some 'suckling plastic'. Huh? Turns out she wanted vacuum packs. Well I've never heard it described quite that way but it does kinda make sense, hey? Suckling plastic. Heheh.
Ai... I'm gonna miss Saf. But yeah she'll be back before we know it. So... bon voyage babe. Hello Pandas forever!
At 5:21 PM,
saf said…
i love this post heh :)
At 12:14 AM,
Blue_belle said…
Me too heh ;) Miss you!!!!
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