Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sunshine after all

You should see the canals are freezing
You should see me high
You should just be here
Be with me here
It doesn't seem there's hope for me
I let you down
But I won't give in now
Not for any amount

Don't it feel like sunshine after all
The world we love, forever gone
We're only just as happy
As everyone else seems to think we are

I love Jimmy Eat World's Futures. The World You Love is one of my fave songs on the album... I guess cos it's a break up song and I'm in the mood for those right now. I suppose it's ironic that Greg burned all these great songs for me, and I listened for awhile and then forgot about them till now. Then suddenly, it's like, hey, these are great songs! Why didn't I get that before? I mean, these are just gorgeous, melancholic, super-addictive tunes.

Maybe I'm just sad.

I dunno, I'm up and down all the time. Crazy mood swings, like I'm constantly PMS-ing. (Gack!) One minute I'm like, yeah I'm alright, I'm good, it was fun but it's time it was over... next minute I'm missing the heck out of him again. I don't know if I'll ever be really over him. Maybe I'll love him the rest of my life and waste away pining.

It's just, some couples are meant to be, you know? Maybe we are. Maybe we should get back together. Maybe... WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING????

Get a grip girl! Hello, live in the real world, can?

*Sigh* Single life is frickin' hard. I'm honestly not enjoying it very much right now. Then again, maybe that's just 'cos I don't have any pretty boys to distract me from my heartache. Where are all the pretty boys? And isn't that a line from a Tanya Chua song?

Where does one go to meet guys? I want a nice respectable guy this time so clubs probably aren't a great place to go. Work's out of the question - there aren't a whole lot of guys to choose from, and whatever's available aren't really. They're married, or old, or just plain weird.

I don't get out much these days 'cos work's crazy, and when I do get out I just hang with old pals. I don't wanna lose touch with my friends, especially now I don't have a 'special friend' anymore. I've never believed in dating friends, so...

Church? Tough, I'm not even settled in. Though I guess since I'm looking for a decent guy it's a good place to start. Oh well. Oh well oh well oh well.

Maybe I'll have to start dating friends. (Oh man!!!!! No...) Or something.

Till then, I've got Jimmy to keep me company.


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