Catch me if I fall

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Heineken Green Room non-party '06

So. Saturday night's Green Room party was a total wash-out. Check out Greg's rant here. (He ranted on The Slate as well.) Started out fine, we were pretty hyped up. This is us at the start of the party (although technically it never quite got off the ground).

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See how happy we were? Ah well. So after waiting in vain for 3 hours for GangStarr to show up, we were all pretty pissed off. In the end we decided to head to Sentosa on the off-chance that there was a party somewhere. There wasn't. Ended up on Siloso Beach eating instant noodles (Tom Yam flavour), a cheese hotdog and octopus balls. Then Greg somehow charmed us into stripping down to our bikinis and we spent some shivery minutes in the water (at 2am!!!!) trading secrets...

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(Me and Kat sharing a lesbian moment. Oops! Kat will have you know she's very, VERY STRAIGHT. Poor girl, I think she's played the 'bi' card once too often, now everyone thinks she's not quite, er, heterosexual.)

...After which we headed to Mac's at KAP for an extra-early breakfast. Got home close to 6, had maybe 4 hours of sleep before I had to rush off to church. (Hey I managed to stay awake through service at 11am though!) Actually, I think we might have had more fun than if we'd stayed for the Heineken party. Heh.

Any crazy fella out there wanna join us? We're looking for a fourth. Then next time maybe can play bridge lah ;)


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