Tight as they come
I am 2 Star Kayaker. Yay!!!!!
Finally did my expedition today. In the pouring rain. It was freezing cold, the current was strong, the waves were high and the rain kept getting in my eyes. There was a small hole in my kayak, though I didn't realise it till later, so my kayak filled up with water and got heavier and heavier as I valiantly laboured along. But paddle I did, and I completed my mission without capsizing, (although I came close!) and at the end of it I got my cert, albeit 8 months overdue.
Exhausting work! I'm just glad I had Greg with me ;) He's a lifesaver, not least because I don't think I could even have managed my craft on land without him! It's far more tiring carrying the kayak than actually doing the expedition. Thanks babe... I owe you. So much. I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to be to you what you are to me, and I'll be lucky (or you will!) if I could be just a fraction of that. It never ceases to amaze me that you'll do almost anything for me, willingly and cheerfully, and make me feel like it makes your day to do it! I'm lucky lucky I'm so lucky...
It's been a tiring weekend. Well, fun definitely. Ran on Saturday morning, walked the dog, got various errands done. Went for the Rovers committee chalet (it's great to be alumni!). Nice quiet time of eating and chatting. Taboo was fun. I like!
Planned to go clubbing at KM8 or Coco Latte on Sat night but it didn't quite work out. Maybe next time. Speaking of Coco Latte, here's a shot taken by Nightlife the last time I went with Greg and his friend and his friend's friend and her friends...

Notice how red I am. I really can't hold my liquor.
Anyway, Zouk's reopening soon, undecided as to whether I'm going. It's the night before my birthday so... we'll see I guess. Anyway I've already got plans that evening, having dinner with the girls. So maybe I'll just give the reopening a miss. There's the Juice party at Zouk the week after which I'm probably going for, since Greg's already got free tickets. Anyone else interested? ;)
Hope to get a big group of friends for the Juice party. It's always more fun to club in big groups huh. More guys, more guys! I think we've got the girls covered. (Sniff.)
More on parties some other time. I'm sleepy, and my body's aching all over. Time for beddy-bye. Part of me's still wide awake though. Maybe it's my stomach. I'm still feeling full from dinner - to celebrate my great achievement today, we did what we vowed we'd absolutely NEVER do (again)... we ate at Carl's Jr. ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! The chilli cheese fries are filling all right. No more CJ, at least not for the next 5 years!!!!! Heh.
Oh yeah, I didn't mention golf did I? Played golf for the first time today, and I only scored 3 over par more than Greg!!! Okay, so it was maniature golf, but still. Pretty fun stuff, for 33 bucks. Even though the monkey freaked me out a little. Haha. Sundays are fun days.
Edit 1: Oh in case you were wondering about this entry's title, it just means I'm pretty broke this month. Big bills to pay. And little ones. Like 33 bucks for golf (worth it though! We got to take shots with the fake char siew rice).
Edit 2: If you're wondering what to get me for my birthday, money's always good. Heh just kidding. Stay tuned for details!
I am 2 Star Kayaker. Yay!!!!!
Finally did my expedition today. In the pouring rain. It was freezing cold, the current was strong, the waves were high and the rain kept getting in my eyes. There was a small hole in my kayak, though I didn't realise it till later, so my kayak filled up with water and got heavier and heavier as I valiantly laboured along. But paddle I did, and I completed my mission without capsizing, (although I came close!) and at the end of it I got my cert, albeit 8 months overdue.
Exhausting work! I'm just glad I had Greg with me ;) He's a lifesaver, not least because I don't think I could even have managed my craft on land without him! It's far more tiring carrying the kayak than actually doing the expedition. Thanks babe... I owe you. So much. I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to be to you what you are to me, and I'll be lucky (or you will!) if I could be just a fraction of that. It never ceases to amaze me that you'll do almost anything for me, willingly and cheerfully, and make me feel like it makes your day to do it! I'm lucky lucky I'm so lucky...
It's been a tiring weekend. Well, fun definitely. Ran on Saturday morning, walked the dog, got various errands done. Went for the Rovers committee chalet (it's great to be alumni!). Nice quiet time of eating and chatting. Taboo was fun. I like!
Planned to go clubbing at KM8 or Coco Latte on Sat night but it didn't quite work out. Maybe next time. Speaking of Coco Latte, here's a shot taken by Nightlife the last time I went with Greg and his friend and his friend's friend and her friends...

Notice how red I am. I really can't hold my liquor.
Anyway, Zouk's reopening soon, undecided as to whether I'm going. It's the night before my birthday so... we'll see I guess. Anyway I've already got plans that evening, having dinner with the girls. So maybe I'll just give the reopening a miss. There's the Juice party at Zouk the week after which I'm probably going for, since Greg's already got free tickets. Anyone else interested? ;)
Hope to get a big group of friends for the Juice party. It's always more fun to club in big groups huh. More guys, more guys! I think we've got the girls covered. (Sniff.)
More on parties some other time. I'm sleepy, and my body's aching all over. Time for beddy-bye. Part of me's still wide awake though. Maybe it's my stomach. I'm still feeling full from dinner - to celebrate my great achievement today, we did what we vowed we'd absolutely NEVER do (again)... we ate at Carl's Jr. ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! The chilli cheese fries are filling all right. No more CJ, at least not for the next 5 years!!!!! Heh.
Oh yeah, I didn't mention golf did I? Played golf for the first time today, and I only scored 3 over par more than Greg!!! Okay, so it was maniature golf, but still. Pretty fun stuff, for 33 bucks. Even though the monkey freaked me out a little. Haha. Sundays are fun days.
Edit 1: Oh in case you were wondering about this entry's title, it just means I'm pretty broke this month. Big bills to pay. And little ones. Like 33 bucks for golf (worth it though! We got to take shots with the fake char siew rice).
Edit 2: If you're wondering what to get me for my birthday, money's always good. Heh just kidding. Stay tuned for details!
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