Catch me if I fall

Saturday, March 25, 2006

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

My parents were on TV today. Their 15 minutes of fame. Actually, more like 15 seconds. Dad was so excited about being on TV. He totally loves the camera. Lisa calls him a media whore. Lis!!!!!!!! So bad...

Anyway, they were involved in this marriage-enrichment thingy called We're Married! and it was covered on the news on Channel 5. Haha. My parents on TV. Cheap thrill, but I love those guys. They're so cute.

Greg mentioned the 5 love languages today. One of the topics my dad sometimes gives talks on. Apparently I sent this test on love languages to him a long time ago and then forgot about it. Well anyway he only did the test recently. I did the test for fun, though I think I know myself pretty well when it comes to how I love! And here are my results... (dum dum dum...)

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Physical Touch
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Physical Touch:
Quality Time:
Words of Affirmation:
Acts of Service:
Receiving Gifts:


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

No big surprise there. I've always known my 2 biggest love languages were physical touch and quality time - hence the absurd amount of waking hours (and sometimes sleeping too =P) I spend with my sweetie. Just can't get enough of him... but I'm just wired that way.

I take after my dad in love languages. His 2 biggies are the same as mine. He's always made it a point to spend time with me, and he's the big hugger in my family. Guess that's why I love hugs so much. I think giving me a good hug is the fastest way anyone can ever cheer me up. Good thing Greg's a hugger. You give great hugs babe! ;)

I'm lucky that Greg's primary love language is quality time. And that physical touch is also important to him. (Oh don't we ALL know that... he hugs like, everyone!) So at least he's not gonna get tired of spending so much time together. 'Cos it's never enough anyway!

I remember once when I was in secondary school, I was like, 13 I think, and my form teacher Mrs Wong asked the class this question, "How do you spell 'love'?" I can't remember what led her to ask that question, but I do recall my excitement at knowing the right answer - "T-I-M-E!!!!!" Dad was always saying that, 'love' is spelt 'T-I-M-E'. How right he is. Maybe it's just me (or people like me), but all it takes is a phone call, a meal together, a walk on the beach... a simple gesture, it doesn't even have to take up a lot of time, but it says so much to me. It means so much. Thank you, sweetheart, for doing that.

And do I really need to thank you for your touch too? ;) You know how appreciated that is. I'm the girl who still holds Dad's hand when we're out on 'dates'. I hold my mom's hand too. Heck, I hold my brother's hand! (Awwww. Not all the time of course, only when he's feeling particularly gentlemanly - sometimes I think he's genuinely afraid I won't be able to cross the road on my own.) I'm actually quite proud of this. He's almost 18 and not afraid to hold his sister's hand in public. In fact most of the time he initiates it. I think that's sweet as heck.

I'm a lucky lucky lucky girl. The men in my life are awesome. So are the women! But I'm closer to my dad and bro than I am to my mom and sis. And of course Greg's the one who know me best... my best friend, confidante, partner, playmate. He's total back-up.

Am I lucky or what? ;)


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