Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Marvellous Month of May

Wheeeeeeeeeee! So excited. I really really really wanna watch Switchfoot in action. Guess what I'm listening to right now? Chem 6A, one of the very first Switchfoot songs I ever heard and one of the songs that got me hooked. Still one of my faves!!!!

Guess you've heard the news... Switchfoot is coming to town in May. (If you don't know who they are, check them out here. I know you'll love them! If you get the chance, listen to Don't Be There and Underwater... great songs.) When exactly, I don't know, but I know I so wanna go. I really hope the concert doesn't clash with our Sunway Lagoon escapade and Tioman dive trip. *crosses fingers*

Haha. Switchfoot is one of the few bands I discovered before Greg did. AND he loves them too. Yay! So maybe I'm not a total dinosaur when it comes to music after all ;)

They've changed a lot since their first 2 albums... the line-up's changed, 2 new members added, it seems. Well, more guys are always good ;) Heh seriously though, I loved this band for their Christian pop-rock sound, but even that's changed. Like Greg says, they're so mainstream now. Radio-friendly. Oh well, I still love them, I just sometimes miss the Christian lyrics... hmmmmmf.

Anyway, let me just point out that I'M GOING TO SUNWAY LAGOON IN MAY WANNA COME???? Haha and diving at Tioman after. Right now we're gathering friends to join us for the Sunway part. And Zouk in KL. Wheeeeee!

More girls better. So says Greg. I think he's planning to get everyone drunk, then suggest strip poker. Or something.


  • At 1:20 PM, Blogger direcow said…

    I still remember the day I told greg "Nothing is Sound" is out..

    Greg: "MEH".

    It's good that things changed. :P


    Right now one has to look a bit deeper for the lyrics, but they're still there, and the message has always been clear.

  • At 2:28 AM, Blogger Blue_belle said…

    Yeah well, I guess. They'll always be one of my favourite bands, if only for Underwater ;)


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