Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sing softly to me

Moment over!

Okay, I'm back. No more broodiness. If anyone's wondering what to make of the previous post, just forget it, ok? Doesn't mean anything. Well, not really, but I'm not gonna talk about it anyway so don't ask, and if you weren't planning to, then good.

Anyway, song time! Here's something I wrote on the bus back tonight...

Eternity/Beautiful Fiction

Don't make me cry for you
Say I'm sorry for you
I won't lie to you
I don't even like you
Don't make me do it
(I won't do it)
Don't make me say it
(I can't do it)
Don't make me feel
What you want me to feel
You're messing me up
I know it's not real
I'm inside your head
Inside your head
Inside your head

It's a beautiful fiction
That's the only thing that's true
She's in love with his diction
And I'm crazy over you
(Crazy over you)

Don't make me worship you
Be a fool for you
You want a job done
I'm just a tool to you
Don't make me do it
(I won't do it)
Don't make me say it
(I can't do it)
I won't sympathise
With a problem this size
Deal on your own
I must emphasise
Don't make me be the one
Be the one
Be Number One

Okay that's it! My Linkin Park/Sugar Ray/The Suns-inspired ditty, well the melody anyway. Yes, it HAS a tune, and the tune beats the lyrics.

... which isn't saying very much.

Again, don't even ask what it means, I dunno either. Search me, brother!

Another one... this one got no tune ah. Actually, this is sort of an apology to Greg. For you know... stuff.


Call me later when I'm calmer
Past the lightning pace of day
Softly rain fades into twilight
Wash all trace of doubt away

Can you see now where I'm going?
I can't tell if I'm still here
Hold your hand out in the darkness
I will come back, never fear

Lead me now and I will follow
Ask of me I will confide
Forbearing all, through sin and sorrow
You were always by my side

Spring and summer soon upon us
Leave the bitter cold behind
Sleeping flowers, bloom before us
Borne upon the winds of time

Ah, I just can't get the last verse right. It's a complete cop-out, I know. I'll rewrite it when I have time. Sorry again, Greg ;) Heh.

Yeah so, wrote those two on the bus home from ECP. A good run really clears the head. Cut 50 seconds off my best time. Yeah! Have to do much better though.

3 weeks to race day! Hoo, I'm getting nervous.

Well well, look at the time. I wanted to say more but I guess it'll have to wait. Bedtime, and I wanna discuss an enigmatic remark Jack just made. Huh? Am I missing something here?

Whatever. Night!


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