Super-stressed. Need hugs NOW.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Much to tell.
So much has been happening lately, it's just been a whirlwind of activity. I don't think I've had time to properly process all of it, which is why I walk around with my head semi-imploding these days. *BOOM* Whoops there it goes again.
This week has been hectic, frenetic, crazy Idon'tthinkIcankeepupthispacewithoutanervousbreakdownsometimesoon busy. ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! While I am actually really really really enjoying myself with the relentless busy-ness of it all in a sado-masochistic kinda way, sometimes I just wanna sit down, scream, and pull out clumps of hair, not necessarily mine.
At work, I'm spending half my time in meetings (and strangely I'm actually having fun in them. Whee!) and the rest of the time I'm running around liaising with various people. This guy I interviewed put it very nicely, he said an editor's job is to be the middleman. What fun it is. Hahahahaha. (And now you can't tell whether I'm being sarcastic right.) It's an interesting job, really, but the thing is, the only time I really get any work done now is after office hours, hence the eyebags and occasional blank stare. I'm learning to sleep with my eyes open!
I'm turning into a real workaholic (okay I know I always was one), but I'm a playaholic too, or at least I'm trying to be. After the J P Morgan run yesterday (tell me if you see me on TV, I'm pretty sure I waved to the cameras a couple of times) I had dinner at Mosburger with my running buddies and we decided to carry on with the training sessions twice a week. New plan: Tuesdays long run - we're planning to increase the distance week by week till we all become marathoners haha, and Thursdays cycling or blading because we feel bad about always using the lockers for free... the auntie at the bike store is just so nice, we gotta pay her back somehow. Who says niceness doesn't pay? ;)
It's nice to hang out with colleagues outside of work, and colleagues from different floors, no less. We're promoting healthy lifestyles as well as bonding within the company. Yay, us! Oh and our picture will be in our next company newsletter I think. Hahahahaha. I wish we had prettier T-shirts though. Oh well. There's always next year.
I met Far on the bus back from the run. We were talking about our next Berry outing when I remembered her birthday's in May and we were gonna hold the next gathering to celebrate it. Anyway we decided on Saf's place (since we had Saf's birthday party at Far's place hurhur...) and yes, it'll be potluck as planned. Since it's still *supposed* to be a surprise although Far already knows about it (she just messaged me 'Ok... Make it a surprise party ah!'), don't breathe a word to her, people! I told her I'd blog so her fellow Berries can discuss it, but she's not allowed to peek. So if the first 3 letters of your name are F-A-R... Okay now close your eyes!!!
FOR THE EYES OF EVERYONE BUT FARAH: Top-secret party plans! (Farah! Now go away shoo.)
Date: 21 May, Sun (3 days after Far's b'day)
Time: Afternoon I guess. Since I've got Big Walk in the morning heh.
Who's coming: Raspberry (yay!), Blueberry, Gooseberry and of course Wildberry since it's her place. And I think Wildberry's sister? And maybe Blackberry too (that's Isma in case you've forgotten). 5 of the original 6 members... not bad!
Food: Saf's cooking lasagne. I was gonna bring ice cream but since whatever I bring will be in the car for at least 2 hours while I walk the Big Walk, prob not. Errr. Sara Lee chocolate pound cake? What else... hot dogs and burgers maybe.
Movie: ... I dunno. Suggest something! I haven't watched V yet. Boohoo...
Decorations: To be confirmed. Like Saf's party? You know Far hasn't even taken down the ones we put up at her place... haha. I'm not sure about Mickey and Minnie balloons though, those took ages to blow up.
Present: I vote for girly stuff! First the handbag, then the lacy blouse and skirt, whatever's next??? Heels? Bracelets?? Mascara???!!! Go wild girls. Me, I think something pink would be good =P
Hey I was looking through the Hello Panda Club stuff (okay I forgot Isma's berry name) and man, we were inspired back then. Well we were 15. We had rules, a pledge, a ridiculously long song, even our own special HPC greeting. Remember the wiggle? I showed it to Greg and he laughed. Hahaha well it is pretty cute, especially when you do it with wide eyes and a loony smile.
Glad we Berries are still together ;) I love you girls! Whee!!!!!! We gotta plan a reunion someday with everyone else. Man...
*Whoops my bro just walked by with nothing but a tiny towel round his waist. And he said, "I is half-nekkid now." Eh. Okay...*
In other news, I just found out a few days ago that Stardust is being made into a movie. It's going to be filmed in Iceland and it stars Michelle Pfeiffer. Wheeeee! Also read that Ricky Gervais is in it. Say what? Well I guess we'll see. I don't know what role he's playing though. Maybe he'll be the goat. Heh.
Yvaine's been cast, I don't know who it is but I hope she meets my *ahem* expectations. Oh well. STARDUST! Whee!!!!
Oh apparently people are talking about it on The Slate as well (and I thought it was all about the music there). The thread was started by my colleague, heh. Didn't know she had read the book. She just keeps getting cooler. Haha.
I'm gonna re-read Stardust. Can't wait for the movie. And Mirrormask! Argh!!!!!!!! Hehe. Just realised that I had an introduction to Neil Gaiman even before Stardust. Borrowed Alvin's Books of Magic for way too long. Been meaning to buy my own. And Neverwhere. Okay, I wanna read that too.
Sigh... will you look at the time. Not again. I don't think I've slept earlier than 1.30am in the past month. Saddedness. *cry* Time to go I guess. And there's so much more to tell. Oh well next time. Although next time there'll be more also. Well.
Btw if anyone is interested in an advanced diving course, a colleague of mine signed up with Divercity for a trip to Dayang, but she can't go now for um personal reasons. So if anyone wants to know more or knows someone who wants to know more... ask me lah. The trip is valid anytime, 3 days 2 nights, $338 inclusive of accomodation, transport, food and equipment. Sounds like a good deal actually.
Speaking of diving... I'm going in MAY!!!!!!!! Which is like, 3 days away!!!!!!!! (Although the trip isn't till later.) Whee!!!! So looking forward to it, I need this holiday so bad it hurts. Hahahahaha. Gonna buy my equipment soon. And bikinis. And get waxed. And get a tattoo. Yeeha!
I'm not kidding. I think ;)
P.S. I haven't forgotten the blog about my room. I'll finish it sometime. And then I'll do the living room. New cushion covers. Yay!!!!!!!!
P.P.S. Thanks Lionel for the *hugs*. You're a sweetie! When you coming back?
So much has been happening lately, it's just been a whirlwind of activity. I don't think I've had time to properly process all of it, which is why I walk around with my head semi-imploding these days. *BOOM* Whoops there it goes again.
This week has been hectic, frenetic, crazy Idon'tthinkIcankeepupthispacewithoutanervousbreakdownsometimesoon busy. ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! While I am actually really really really enjoying myself with the relentless busy-ness of it all in a sado-masochistic kinda way, sometimes I just wanna sit down, scream, and pull out clumps of hair, not necessarily mine.
At work, I'm spending half my time in meetings (and strangely I'm actually having fun in them. Whee!) and the rest of the time I'm running around liaising with various people. This guy I interviewed put it very nicely, he said an editor's job is to be the middleman. What fun it is. Hahahahaha. (And now you can't tell whether I'm being sarcastic right.) It's an interesting job, really, but the thing is, the only time I really get any work done now is after office hours, hence the eyebags and occasional blank stare. I'm learning to sleep with my eyes open!
I'm turning into a real workaholic (okay I know I always was one), but I'm a playaholic too, or at least I'm trying to be. After the J P Morgan run yesterday (tell me if you see me on TV, I'm pretty sure I waved to the cameras a couple of times) I had dinner at Mosburger with my running buddies and we decided to carry on with the training sessions twice a week. New plan: Tuesdays long run - we're planning to increase the distance week by week till we all become marathoners haha, and Thursdays cycling or blading because we feel bad about always using the lockers for free... the auntie at the bike store is just so nice, we gotta pay her back somehow. Who says niceness doesn't pay? ;)
It's nice to hang out with colleagues outside of work, and colleagues from different floors, no less. We're promoting healthy lifestyles as well as bonding within the company. Yay, us! Oh and our picture will be in our next company newsletter I think. Hahahahaha. I wish we had prettier T-shirts though. Oh well. There's always next year.
I met Far on the bus back from the run. We were talking about our next Berry outing when I remembered her birthday's in May and we were gonna hold the next gathering to celebrate it. Anyway we decided on Saf's place (since we had Saf's birthday party at Far's place hurhur...) and yes, it'll be potluck as planned. Since it's still *supposed* to be a surprise although Far already knows about it (she just messaged me 'Ok... Make it a surprise party ah!'), don't breathe a word to her, people! I told her I'd blog so her fellow Berries can discuss it, but she's not allowed to peek. So if the first 3 letters of your name are F-A-R... Okay now close your eyes!!!
FOR THE EYES OF EVERYONE BUT FARAH: Top-secret party plans! (Farah! Now go away shoo.)
Date: 21 May, Sun (3 days after Far's b'day)
Time: Afternoon I guess. Since I've got Big Walk in the morning heh.
Who's coming: Raspberry (yay!), Blueberry, Gooseberry and of course Wildberry since it's her place. And I think Wildberry's sister? And maybe Blackberry too (that's Isma in case you've forgotten). 5 of the original 6 members... not bad!
Food: Saf's cooking lasagne. I was gonna bring ice cream but since whatever I bring will be in the car for at least 2 hours while I walk the Big Walk, prob not. Errr. Sara Lee chocolate pound cake? What else... hot dogs and burgers maybe.
Movie: ... I dunno. Suggest something! I haven't watched V yet. Boohoo...
Decorations: To be confirmed. Like Saf's party? You know Far hasn't even taken down the ones we put up at her place... haha. I'm not sure about Mickey and Minnie balloons though, those took ages to blow up.
Present: I vote for girly stuff! First the handbag, then the lacy blouse and skirt, whatever's next??? Heels? Bracelets?? Mascara???!!! Go wild girls. Me, I think something pink would be good =P
Hey I was looking through the Hello Panda Club stuff (okay I forgot Isma's berry name) and man, we were inspired back then. Well we were 15. We had rules, a pledge, a ridiculously long song, even our own special HPC greeting. Remember the wiggle? I showed it to Greg and he laughed. Hahaha well it is pretty cute, especially when you do it with wide eyes and a loony smile.
Glad we Berries are still together ;) I love you girls! Whee!!!!!! We gotta plan a reunion someday with everyone else. Man...
*Whoops my bro just walked by with nothing but a tiny towel round his waist. And he said, "I is half-nekkid now." Eh. Okay...*
In other news, I just found out a few days ago that Stardust is being made into a movie. It's going to be filmed in Iceland and it stars Michelle Pfeiffer. Wheeeee! Also read that Ricky Gervais is in it. Say what? Well I guess we'll see. I don't know what role he's playing though. Maybe he'll be the goat. Heh.
Yvaine's been cast, I don't know who it is but I hope she meets my *ahem* expectations. Oh well. STARDUST! Whee!!!!
Oh apparently people are talking about it on The Slate as well (and I thought it was all about the music there). The thread was started by my colleague, heh. Didn't know she had read the book. She just keeps getting cooler. Haha.
I'm gonna re-read Stardust. Can't wait for the movie. And Mirrormask! Argh!!!!!!!! Hehe. Just realised that I had an introduction to Neil Gaiman even before Stardust. Borrowed Alvin's Books of Magic for way too long. Been meaning to buy my own. And Neverwhere. Okay, I wanna read that too.
Sigh... will you look at the time. Not again. I don't think I've slept earlier than 1.30am in the past month. Saddedness. *cry* Time to go I guess. And there's so much more to tell. Oh well next time. Although next time there'll be more also. Well.
Btw if anyone is interested in an advanced diving course, a colleague of mine signed up with Divercity for a trip to Dayang, but she can't go now for um personal reasons. So if anyone wants to know more or knows someone who wants to know more... ask me lah. The trip is valid anytime, 3 days 2 nights, $338 inclusive of accomodation, transport, food and equipment. Sounds like a good deal actually.
Speaking of diving... I'm going in MAY!!!!!!!! Which is like, 3 days away!!!!!!!! (Although the trip isn't till later.) Whee!!!! So looking forward to it, I need this holiday so bad it hurts. Hahahahaha. Gonna buy my equipment soon. And bikinis. And get waxed. And get a tattoo. Yeeha!
I'm not kidding. I think ;)
P.S. I haven't forgotten the blog about my room. I'll finish it sometime. And then I'll do the living room. New cushion covers. Yay!!!!!!!!
P.P.S. Thanks Lionel for the *hugs*. You're a sweetie! When you coming back?
At 1:11 PM,
princesssaf said…
i'm looking forward to the surprise party haha!
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