Catch me if I fall

Monday, April 24, 2006

Who am I?

ISFJ-The Protector
You scored 27% I to E, 57% N to S, 42% F to T, and 10% J to P!
The protector type is called such because you feel your life is best used to protect those you love from the pitfalls of life, to see to their safety and security. You belong to the larger group called guardians. You find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden. You are not talkative with strangers, but you can chat tirelessly with those you trust. You have a good solid work ethic. You are thorough and very likely frugal. You do not like to be in a place of authority, and will delegate poorly if forced into a lead position. You share your type with 10% of the population.

As a romantic partner, you are generous and gentle. Occasionally you may be taken for granted because of this fact. You are tireless in providing acts of service for your loved ones. You run the risk of always being exhausted because you won't say no to your partner. You are sensitive to criticism and will withdraw rather than fight back. You wish to be appreciated for your loyalty and whole hearted nuturing. Your values must be respected and you thrive on consideration and kindness.

Your group summary: Guardians (SJ)

Your Type Summary: ISFJ

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 38% on I to E
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You scored higher than 76% on N to S
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You scored higher than 41% on F to T
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You scored higher than 1% on J to P

Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Heh well no surprise there. Just an extension of the earlier one. Good to know I haven't changed *that* much, just somewhat... from INFP to ISFJ. I think it's an occupational hazard, Sensing and Judging. That's what editors do, right? Make judgement calls all day, and... sense stuff. Or something.

Anyway. I guess it's pretty accurate, except WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T DELEGATE WELL???? I think I do it pretty well actually. Place of authority? Meh. Yes and no. Yes, because I really like delegation, and because when it comes to work I'm something of a control freak. I'm a perfectionist - if it's got my name on it, it'd better be a great project. I can't give less than 110%, even if it kills me (it frequently almost does).

And no, because I work myself too hard. I dunno, I guess I'm too forgiving when it comes to everyone else, so I end up doing everything myself. If you want something done, DIY, right? Otherwise you just have to be prepared for second-best (although sometimes the results may surprise you). Talk about workaholic... sheesh. 72 hours of work with a couple of hours' break for highly irregular showers and 40 winks , and practically no food (no time!). I'm surprised I'm still alive.

Wasn't a good time in my life. Owch.

Anyhoo. The rest of it describes me pretty well. These 2 points keep popping up lately in describing me:

1. I may be taken for granted 'cos I'm too gentle.

2. My values must be respected.

Sigh. Is it wrong to be nice? That's just... sad. I hate being taken for granted, but I love doing things for people. It just makes me happy. I guess it's strange, it just does. Weird kind of high I guess.

Oh well. I'm not planning to stop now. As long as people don't mess with my values =P I'm just an old-fashioned gal. I like guys who are gentlemen, and girls who are ladies. Pity that they're getting harder to find these days. I wonder why.

Sometimes I wish I were 18 again.


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