Catch me if I fall

Sunday, April 16, 2006

There's a place for us... in my room!

There's a place for us
There's a place for us...
Take my hand and we're halfway there
Take my hand and I'll take you there...

Just watched West Side Story tonight. The singing was pretty good, the dancing not bad and the acting okay-ish. I guess it was just all right for me. (I sound like Simon Cowell.) Not spectacular, not standing-ovation-good. Definitely not worth 130 bucks!

Sigh. So that's why I'm broke.

Maria and Tony, the star-crossed lovers, were suitably love-struck and dreamy. Vocally sound, though we felt Maria lacked passion in her performance. Tony wasn't as cute as his picture (though that might be because we were seated in the third row from the back and couldn't see his face), and as Sakina observed, he was 'a little stout'. Ah well. You can't have it all.

There was one bright spot though - Anita, Maria's friend and girlfriend of Maria's doomed brother Bernados, totally stole the show. She had the best lines and sassy moves to match. It was fun watching her. I think I preferred the Puerto Ricans to the American girls, much more spirited they were. Although I'm not sure about the accents.

Anyway, next Berry outing will be a much less expensive affair. West Side Story - the VCD - and potluck at Farah's... what say? And Shimin will be our guest of honour, since she's been MIA for so long. She can't say no to home-cooked food, surely. Lasagna's on the menu already. I volunteer dessert.

By the way girls, I think you all gave me a free dinner! I paid $15.80 for all of us. Farah gave me $5, Saf gave me $10 for herself and Sakina. So... my hor fun turned out surprisingly cheap. I love eating out with you girls =P

I'm enjoying this long weekend. Been sleeping at unearthly hours and waking up almost at bedtime. It's fun! Went clubbing at MOS with Greg, Felix and his friends last night. DJ Tiesto was spinning. Not bad for trance, but I got poked in the eye and dripped upon, so we ended up at TCC talking politics at 3am. Hanging out with you is a constant surprise, Greg. Fun, yes, interesting, definitely. But always surprising.

Today I pretty much just vegetated at home. Okay, so I cleaned the floor, walked the dog (in the rain!) and watched a musical with the girls, but everything else was just Lazy Bones material. Let's see... I watched Lost (missed Thursday's one 'cos Greg and I went to pick up MOS tix for Friday night), I ate carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies (Mom's a fabulous baker) and Lay's potato chips (sour cream and onion, who can resist?), and took lots of photos of my room. Yes... my ROOM.

My siblings think I'm crazy, and okay maybe I am, but my room is just so pretty. I love the bright colours and the different textures. I love the stuffed toys and rugs and the cushions. I love the cosiness of it all. I love my room!!!!!


And that's just the view from the bathroom.

Lest you think I'm some psycho nut with a bedroom fetish (that sounds so wrong), let me say that I'm proud of my room 'cos it's so neat. And it's so neat 'cos I spent hours sorting out all the junk and putting it all away tidily and in actual coherent order. So there.

And now, a tour. Bear with me. Itsa pwetty room!

The top shelf of my wall mirror (above). Right-most panel (right) - I got the tiny notebook from the girls on my 21st birthday (Farah drew me on the first page!), the bandaged bear from Sam and the guys when I was in hospital after fracturing my wrist, and the big paper clip from Dad. It says, 'Help me to remember, Lord, that nothing will happen today that you and I can't handle together.' . I love that.

I love bright colours, obviously. There's a sort of tropical beach theme to the mirror shelf on the two left-most panels... goes with the hand-painted cloth hanging on the wall on the left of the mirror (left). Bought that when Greg and I were at Redang beach during our time in the Rovers comm.

... and below the cloth hanging, Koochiepoo reigns supreme on the doggy chair. Welcome to Downtown Dogtown. Behind Koochie is my trusty Doggy, courtesy of Greg, Valentine's Day. That's not a cushion cover under the multi-coloured flat cushion by the way. That's a bandanna, I just liked the paw prints.

Aaaaaaaaand... next to Koochiepoo, what do we have? Why, the rest of Dogtown, of course (below). That's Roverdog the tissuebox cover, unidentical twin of Papierre (the one in Greg's car). Also courtesy of Greg. Roverdog is named after Rovudorr, the group Greg and I were in in our first Rovers camp together. And obviously, he is a Rovers dog, just as I will always be a Rovers girl ;)

The doggy photo holders were from Lionel, a dear friend I made purely by chance =P and they're called Bullie and Gracie (no prizes for guessing which is which!). The photos are from my 21st birthday outing - mine was taken at the zoo and Greg's at his club's restaurant. Still one of the sweetest days of my life ;)

The brown dog sitting in the mug in front is Russ. That's what his name tag (oops, that's the brand!) says anyway. He's from Russ, so I guess that's fitting. I call him Rusty actually (the dog, not my brother) and he used to be my handphone holder, but Russ got me a new one last Christmas, so Rusty's back in the mug he was found in.

Further along the shelf... a tealight holder from Weiwen, on my 18th birthday I think. He painted it himself. I couldn't tell, it still looks really good.

The tiny blue elephant is actually an incense stick holder. I love tealights and scent candles. And colourful stuff, especially coloured glass. The cup is filled with marbles I collected and played with as a kid. The cup itself was from the Rovers 23rd comm. It has my name on it in blue acrylic.

The blue box (you can see only the edge) is from Damien on Valentine's Day. Hand-painted, and very sweet ;) I keep my postcards and post-its in there. It's got a pink sandal keychain (from Candice) stuck on the top. The OP notebook underneath the box is from Tanya, for my 18th birthday. I write poems in it.

And here you can see the books next to the blue box. All my favourites, including Watership Down and Plague Dogs, The James Herriot Collection, The Teenage Textbook and The Teenage Workbook, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and the whole THHGTTG series. Most of the books have pretty dog-eared pages by now. I love these books, I'll never get tired of them. Sitting on the books is Dolphin (yes not very imaginative name I know) from Greg, a souvenir of one of his trips to his hometown. Hope I'll be there with him some day.

That's the handphone holder that Russ got me, in front of the books. I haven't named him yet. See my pretty pillowsheet? I lurve pink and red. Such warm, cosy colours they are. Perfect teddy, Greg Jr., on the pillow. Hey, you can even see my first aid kit peeking out from behind my pillow! Good to be prepared right? ;) My sleeping bag's there too. Behind the pillow is where I keep my torches, my camera, and my alarm clocks. 2 of them, anyway. The third is on the shelf, in the shape of an airtank. Got it from Dave at a casino night at Cafe Narcosis. Greg and I were playing till the party broke up but we didn't win anything. I think Dave noticed our sad faces and gave us the clocks just to cheer us up. It's supposed to be a radio clock but it's never played music. Oh well, I love the cheery yellow of it anyway. Almost put it in the bathroom - it goes splendidly with the toilet seat, you'll see why later - but I decided another clock looked better there.

The rest of the bed. (Bedsheet courtesy of Mom. She's got great taste in household furnishings.) Bolster at the end, and my comfy blue striped comforter. Also the rug and the floor. I wanted warm, bright colours to complement the parquet. I think they work well together. I have a similar rug on the other side of the bed. The Nike waterbottle was from Russ. He won it in a competition, then gave it to me. Sweeeeeeeet.

Okay the rest of the room coming up next post. It's late and I'm getting hungry... never a good sign. Night!

Edit: Ok, now that I'm fed and watered, here's the rest of my room!

View from the right (left). The other rug!

And in the Chinese Corner, my baby doll AiQin (Love) on the right and her parents Li (Strength) and En (Mercy) on the left. My parents gave me Love when I was like, 2 years old. Strength and Mercy are gifts from my uncle. The jigsaw puzzle I bought years ago at a Crescent funfair.

Check out the shelves below... the neatness! The order! The... neatness!!! I think I did a pretty good job, eh? ;) Books that are readable but not fantastic on the extreme right of the top shelf, Harry Potters in the middle (they were in a cubbyhole next to my bed previously) and the all-new (are you ready for this??) self-improvement section on the extreme left... I'm all grown up now! It's got books on investment, careers, religion and even on learning Malay. *Fwah!!!* With decks of cards as bookends, of course.

Second shelf: empty files, organisers and notebooks, photo albums, photo CDs and unfiled photos (I'll get round to them someday).

The neatness!!!!!!!

And of course... (drum roll please) ze bookzelf!!!!! The best, and only the best of the best. Including classics like Little Women (and Good Wives, and Little Men, and so on), The Prince and the Pauper (mostly from Mom, Jo's Boys from Greg) and Gone With the Wind (Nick). The thick green one on the left top shelf is Wild Swans (from Dad). Btw my colleague informs me that we should be saying 'such as' instead of 'like' unless we mean 'similar to but not including'. Meh.

The shelf on the right top is devoted to Roald Dahl (the inspiration for my poetic style) and BC comics, my favourite comic still.

In the middle are the books I will never tire of... the Michael Crichtons, some Jeffrey Archers, lots of Catherine Lim. Jaws, Alien, and the Narnia series. Pretty diverse lot.

At the bottom of the shelf: the hardcovers (I prefer paperbacks, in general), comics (I love Farside and Foxtrot) and Agatha Christies - I collect the Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple series.

I'm happy to lend, btw, if you've got any good books I can borrow in return ;) Science fiction and humour work best for me. Which is why I'm a Hitchhiker. Whoo!

(Below) My piggybank! From Heng and TC on my 21st. I haven't been able to satisfy his hunger yet, he's got a big tum-tum. I'm working on it though, even though it comes out his ass now and then. I love Piggy, even though he's a cow really. I have a thing for cute cows.

Like the curtain? I chose it myself, and I love it to bits even though it doesn't quite cover the windows. Garfield's from my uncle, I won the streetfighter thingy at a funfair.

(Above left) The 'caged' bears are Jay and Kay (the white one). The orange thingy to the right of the bears is a clock, it's standing on my namecard holder (other people's namecards, not mine). (Above right) My Miffy bunnies and Miffy cups. From the 'rents on my 21st. My Mom used to read me Miffy books when I was a Toddler ;) (Actually, I think I read them myself 'cos she didn't like them much.) The pink umbrella is from a Teacher's Day performance at Crescent... ah, the days of the ol' Lemon Tree.

More to come! Maybe tomorrow, I'm tired now. Had training today. Night!


  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger princesssaf said…

    whoa what a detailed tour of your room! next party: your place. haha. wanna check out the books. and gosh, I thought i was the only sentimental one who kept old stuff
    "The pink umbrella is from a Teacher's Day performance at Crescent... ah, the days of the ol' Lemon Tree"
    Guess what, I still have my purple one too!!


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