My fair ladies
Saturday was ultra-packed. Woke up early for the photoshoot at Nanyang. My boss was sick again so I was on my own. Sigh. It was CRAZY! Dissecting sheep kidneys ain't fun, especially when you have to stop every 2 minutes to check the photos. I ended up slicing every single kidney we had (6 or 7, I lost count) to get the right shot. Urgh. I mean, normally I kinda like cutting up stuff but this was pretty gross, all slimy and squishy and bloody and SMELLY. When I was done everything smelled of kidney. Eeks!
Dissecting Ischaemum was worse, I think. The specimens were so terribly tiny. Like, half a cm each. And I couldn't focus them under the microscope so I had to just peer really really closely at them while I patiently teased them apart. I *hope* I got the right shots!
Anyway, the shoot went off all right and I was quite pleased at the end results. The lab tech, Lena, was pretty impressed with our work so far. That's a really good sign! ;) Now, if only the rest of Singapore feels that way too...
So I left Nanyang almost 2 hours late and cabbed down to Crescent. Party was in full swing but most of the girls had left already. Shimin left early with Ghim Hong cos she found it boring :( And Sam and the girls went off to Sam's place so I didn't see any of them :((((( Must catch up with the 2/9-ers one day... Saf was saying we could have a class reunion. I wonder how many would actually turn up though. Well there's always the gala dinner! 100 bucks a pop, so maybe lah.
Toured the school with Saf and Far. It was nice to reminisce about all the old places, and exclaim how much things had changed (or not). We do this every time we go back to Crescent, haha. Most of the teachers we couldn't recognise, they all look so young, barely older than us. We did meet a few of our former teachers though - we got to see Mr Samat get dunked, we heard Mr Lim sing a mandarin song (he recognised us! And later promised to sing for us for free next time) and we had a nice long chat with Mrs Yip. She still remembers us. She asked if I were still editing Biology books. I told her yes, and Saf was helping me too. She looked at Farah and said, "You! You dropped Biology!" Heh.
We had a few good laughs. It's great to go back and see teachers you know. Although they do tend to say the same things sometimes. Mrs Yip was asking what we were all doing.
Farah: "I'm a freelance video editor."
Me: "I'm an editor." And pointing to Saf: "Freelance editor." Haha.
Mrs Yip to Saf: "You've put on weight huh." Turning to me: "You've put on weight too." Pause. And then to Farah: "You too."
Me, "We're editors!"
Heh. All part of the job.
Pity we didn't get to see Mrs Wong though, especially as she was the one who'd asked us down. (Actually, what happened was she told Weiyu to get us to go for the funfair, otherwise Weiyu would get beaten up. Or something.) We were all so looking forward to seeing her. We left her a note on her desk. Hope she remembers us!
We seem to have trouble with our dates though. I was going to write the date on the note but I wasn't sure what the date was.
Me: "What's the date? It's... the 8th?"
Farah: "I think it's the 8th."
Saf: "Wait let me check my phone."
Me: "I'm lazy to check my organiser... but I *think* it's the 8th." Looking at Farah and Saf, who's checking her phone: "Oh wait... actually there are calendars above your heads."
Farah: "Yeah... it's the 8th."
Hee. And at the end of the note when I was signing off for everyone, we wanted to put our classes and the year we were in her class in case she wasn't sure which Mel + Safiyya + Farah we were. And everyone was like, "Is it '05 or '06? '06? Yeah I think it was '06." And then we realised it was really 1996 we meant. Sigh. We're getting old.
Anyway after the funfair we went to Breeks! at Orchard. Good food and great conversation. It was amazingly fun just chatting to the girls. I love you ladies! You guys are just the best ;) I think it's really cute the way we automatically give one another part of our food the moment it comes. No need to ask, just take lah. Haha.
Can't wait to see you girls again! West Side Story, whoo! I love watching musicals. Speaking of which, Saf, remember that flower you asked me the name of? It's actually a spider lily, not tiger lily. Sorry my mind must have been on Peter Pan, after all that talk about musicals. I need to travel more. I get jealous when you girls talk about watching Les Miserables and Phantom in far-off places. Next time you jet off to Sweden or France or wherever, TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUUU!!!! Heh. I wish ;)
Dissecting Ischaemum was worse, I think. The specimens were so terribly tiny. Like, half a cm each. And I couldn't focus them under the microscope so I had to just peer really really closely at them while I patiently teased them apart. I *hope* I got the right shots!
Anyway, the shoot went off all right and I was quite pleased at the end results. The lab tech, Lena, was pretty impressed with our work so far. That's a really good sign! ;) Now, if only the rest of Singapore feels that way too...
So I left Nanyang almost 2 hours late and cabbed down to Crescent. Party was in full swing but most of the girls had left already. Shimin left early with Ghim Hong cos she found it boring :( And Sam and the girls went off to Sam's place so I didn't see any of them :((((( Must catch up with the 2/9-ers one day... Saf was saying we could have a class reunion. I wonder how many would actually turn up though. Well there's always the gala dinner! 100 bucks a pop, so maybe lah.
Toured the school with Saf and Far. It was nice to reminisce about all the old places, and exclaim how much things had changed (or not). We do this every time we go back to Crescent, haha. Most of the teachers we couldn't recognise, they all look so young, barely older than us. We did meet a few of our former teachers though - we got to see Mr Samat get dunked, we heard Mr Lim sing a mandarin song (he recognised us! And later promised to sing for us for free next time) and we had a nice long chat with Mrs Yip. She still remembers us. She asked if I were still editing Biology books. I told her yes, and Saf was helping me too. She looked at Farah and said, "You! You dropped Biology!" Heh.
We had a few good laughs. It's great to go back and see teachers you know. Although they do tend to say the same things sometimes. Mrs Yip was asking what we were all doing.
Farah: "I'm a freelance video editor."
Me: "I'm an editor." And pointing to Saf: "Freelance editor." Haha.
Mrs Yip to Saf: "You've put on weight huh." Turning to me: "You've put on weight too." Pause. And then to Farah: "You too."
Me, "We're editors!"
Heh. All part of the job.
Pity we didn't get to see Mrs Wong though, especially as she was the one who'd asked us down. (Actually, what happened was she told Weiyu to get us to go for the funfair, otherwise Weiyu would get beaten up. Or something.) We were all so looking forward to seeing her. We left her a note on her desk. Hope she remembers us!
We seem to have trouble with our dates though. I was going to write the date on the note but I wasn't sure what the date was.
Me: "What's the date? It's... the 8th?"
Farah: "I think it's the 8th."
Saf: "Wait let me check my phone."
Me: "I'm lazy to check my organiser... but I *think* it's the 8th." Looking at Farah and Saf, who's checking her phone: "Oh wait... actually there are calendars above your heads."
Farah: "Yeah... it's the 8th."
Hee. And at the end of the note when I was signing off for everyone, we wanted to put our classes and the year we were in her class in case she wasn't sure which Mel + Safiyya + Farah we were. And everyone was like, "Is it '05 or '06? '06? Yeah I think it was '06." And then we realised it was really 1996 we meant. Sigh. We're getting old.
Anyway after the funfair we went to Breeks! at Orchard. Good food and great conversation. It was amazingly fun just chatting to the girls. I love you ladies! You guys are just the best ;) I think it's really cute the way we automatically give one another part of our food the moment it comes. No need to ask, just take lah. Haha.
Can't wait to see you girls again! West Side Story, whoo! I love watching musicals. Speaking of which, Saf, remember that flower you asked me the name of? It's actually a spider lily, not tiger lily. Sorry my mind must have been on Peter Pan, after all that talk about musicals. I need to travel more. I get jealous when you girls talk about watching Les Miserables and Phantom in far-off places. Next time you jet off to Sweden or France or wherever, TAKE ME WITH YOUUUUUUUU!!!! Heh. I wish ;)
At 1:54 PM,
chat-moyen said…
thanks for recapping the day mel!
i always have fun when I'm with you guys... cos i can be my dorky self and have conversations about anything under the sun..
that food is always shared is an added perk haha.
*the blood just flew and flew and flew...*
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