Catch me if I fall

Friday, June 30, 2006

Blurblocky me

Oh my.

People DO comment on my blog. Greg was complaining that I never approved his comments but, you see, I never knew he'd commented in the first place. I just clicked on 'moderate comments' and wahla! There were all the comments I never knew existed. And here I was thinking no one reads my blog anymore.


Blur lil' me. I'm sad now *cries*

Oh yeah thanks to everyone who tried to post comments... good to know I'm still loved and thought of.


  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger chat-moyen said…

    ya lah babe!!!!

    i stopped commenting a while back cos I thought you never read them.

  • At 12:37 AM, Blogger Blue_belle said…

    Hahahahaha... and I thought YOU never read this blog... oh man. Ok now you can comment. No more moderation!

  • At 3:40 PM, Blogger princesssaf said…

    haha. same here mel...always wondered why u never replied!

  • At 10:14 PM, Blogger Blue_belle said…

    oops me blur lah... are you surprised? hahahahahaha


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