Catch me if I fall

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mellon Collie. Ish.

Phroooooooooooooooooooooo what a long day it's been. Left work close to 11pm and I'm freakin' exhausted now. It was just 'go, go, go, go, go' all the way from the second I stepped into the office this morning. Wow. I need a breather.

In the cab home I was aware of the taxi driver's turn signal light flashing green, it just kept flashing and flashing, tickTICKtickTICKtickTICKtickTICKtickTICKtickTICK till I almost couldn't stand it and yelled at it to shut up. I'm sooooooo getting neurotic. Haha.

Maybe it's 'cos I was up half the night making CD covers. Yeah, finally decided to clothe all my poor naked CDs properly, they were looking so forlorn.

[Edit: That was going to be Monday’s post but blogger crashed on me, so that’s all I managed to save. It’s Tuesday now but since I left work late again, might as well continue in this gloomy vein.]

Yeah so I made CD covers for all my naked CDs, and I came across this totally GORGEOUS pic from DeviantART. So chio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want a new blog layout now!!!! Sigh. Haha my ex-colleague just asked me if the girl in the pic were me (I had it as my MSN pic). I wish!!!!!!!! Those clothes are HOT. *sssssssssss* I wanna go shopping!!!!!!

Anyway it’s appropriate since I’ve been listening to Goo Goo Dolls a lot lately, and I’m obsessed with black balloons now *giggle* and yeah I just love the pic. It’s like MADE for blogs. And CD covers. Incidentally that pic went on a Goo Goo Dolls CD case. Sigh. *bliss*…

Anyway up late tonight doing work. Brought home 6 chapters. SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m about done though, phew! Time for bed. X-Men 3 tomorrow wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Didn’t have time to watch the X-Men DVD so maybe I’ll watch after the movie tomorrow. It’s showing on TV on Friday (though what are the chances I’ll be home in time? Bwahahaha!!!!!) and X-Men 2 on Sunday. It’s an X-Fest!

Been writing a lot lately. Wish I had better tunes though. I’ve always been a writer, not a composer. Oh well. Someday.

I miss Smashing Pumpkins' Take Me Down. And Said Sadly, though that's not strictly a Pumpkins song. Still I guess it shows they're capable of a nice song now and then. Haha. *So melancholic*


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