Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mixed bag of nuts


Ok I'm in a happy mood today, as Saf so astutely observed. Just watched American Idol (Kat is gorgeous and Taylor rocks), Project Runway, not to mention Jewel in the Palace (can't believe I'm addicted to that show, but I am) is coming right up, aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm going for Lasik.


So yesterday the doc sent me home from work to rest my tired eyes. Good thing too, I don't think I could have lasted an hour. I could barely open my eyes, it's almost a miracle I got home at all. I have GOT to sleep earlier. And not wear contacts. Sigh. Hence the Lasik, whooooooo! Bit sooner than expected, but what the hey.

Anyway, I got home and went to sleep, and at 3pm was woken up by my neighbour singing karaoke. Or something. I think he was practising guitar but he was... sorry... awful. He was singing something screechy, could have been Celine Dion I think, and he went over the same lines again and again and again and again. And his guitar-playing wasn't spectacular either. And every now and then he'd stop to yowl. I mean, really, like the cats do when they have sex. Just this 'maaaaoOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!'. I mean, what???????? Strange people.

I've been having such weird dreams lately. Spacemen and samurai, and I wasn't even asleep. And I find everything sad or funny or both. What does it all mean??? Sometimes I think I'm going insane, but maybe it's just withdrawal symptoms from not playing Animal Crossing in 2 weeks.


Gotta go, just a quickie before I do.

Three Wishes

Forget the things that were said and done
When it comes to promise, he's never kept one
Pushed to the limit, and pushing the blame
Tossed back and forth till they're going insane
They talk it over and they'll stick to the plan
Grow up, take the rap, take it like a man
Can't see the bleeding beyopnd the smiles
If they go down now, then they'll die with style

So she cry, cries into the dark
Her heart takes a leap on a chance remark
Another little thing that she’ll always keep
Pulling off the petals and she’s losing sleep
So she picks the wound and there is no end
If she’s not okay, she’ll just pretend
Bundle her hurt and hide it away inside her

Life is a game, winner takes all
Crack the code and you get the haul
Kickin’ and screamin’, awake from your dreaming
Never really close to seeing the true meaning
Watch the little kiddies getting down to pray
Did you drop your heart along the way
If we run out we can steal another
These little pin-pricks can be such a bother

Some things you just can’t lose
But you don’t get a vote, you don’t get to choose
No one ever said that life was fair
Your knees will get saggy and you’ll lose your hair
Searching for a reason why
Find no answer until you die
All you have is the one that will stand beside you

Cry, cry into the dark
Take a good shot or you’ll miss your mark
Don’t fear the sound of the lonely waves
Throw yourself in and you might get saved
Close your eyes but don’t hold your breath
Keep on hoping until your death
Cry, cry into the dark
Take a good shot or you’ll miss your mark
Don’t fear the sound of the lonely waves
Throw yourself in and you might get saved
Close your eyes but don’t hold your breath
Keep on hoping until your death
Fallen again, pick yourself up and stand tall
Just stand tall


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