Catch me if I fall

Friday, June 02, 2006

Semi-naked dancing Cuban men

"Come, let me touch you in an incorrect way... You know you want to."

So said Miguel, head honcho of the wonderfully nasty (I mean that in the best possible sense of the word) Cuban Brothers, live at Zouk at last night's by-invite only Heineken Green Room party. Oh yeah, baby... We want to.

These guys are freakin' AWESOME. I pity the rest of the world who never caught them in action. I really wish our friends were there to share the pure energy and lurve all around, 'cos the Cuban Brothers are untouchable - the moves, the grooves, the porno references. Especially the porno references. Constantly clutching his c**k and thrusting his hips throughout the way-too-short hour-plus show, Miguel was unabashedly, ridiculously horny. Ripping off his pants ("I'm going to take my pants off tonight, I might as well do it now.") to reveal leopard print skin-tight briefs? No problem. Using his 'nephew' Archerio's buttcheeks as drums? Sure thing, bro. Riding Archie around the stage and inviting the girls to touch Archie's ass? Yippee!!!!

Suffice it to say, I had the time of my life.

Edit: I started this post last Fri night. Don't really feel like continuing the story, although I will post pictures as soon as I get them. Greg took some shots on his phone's camera - Miguel doing his thing onstage! The Brothers doing the slow running man! Kengo-san in colourful striped briefs! The Heineken girls came round and took a polaroid of us (now I have three!) and some photographer asked to take our photo. Greg had his glasses off and I had new hair! So yeah I guess we were hot that night ;)

The incredible music helped of course. I just love dancing, can't ever get enough of it. And it's really great when everyone's screaming and cheering and dancing and laughing and having such a good time. It's a cool way to work out, I could do it for hours and feel energised at the end of it. All night long... which is the song the Brothers ended the show with. Very apt. So fun!!!! Although you do go slightly deaf afterwards... Ah well, I have my ear-wax to protect me.

Went to Zouk again on Sat night. Kind of a last-minute thing, I wasn't so hyped for it, and it ended up being pretty bizarre. Let's just say one member of our party got thrown out for being very naughty and I gotta say, very very dumb. Youth!... Actually, I kinda miss it. You do so many stupid things when you're young, but you have so much more fun too. Maybe because you don't think about the things you ought to be thinking about, until it's too late.

I guess I've pretty much reached that place now. i've begun to re-evaluate my whole life, not least my relationships. And as much as I'd like to stay active and err cool till I'm 90, I prob won't be like the 45-year-old auntie at every Zoukout who wears a bikini and sarong and keeps on dancing, even to bands. I'm discovering and reluctantly admitting that I do have limits. Party time will be over one day, and... What's that line from that Switchfoot song? 'Hello, good morning, how you been? Yesterday left, my head kicked in' Yes, I'm learning to breathe... and finding that only One can break my fall.

I missed church yesterday, but I got this off Sam's blog... Pastor Barnabas said this yesterday:
Sometimes God makes us wait so that we learn to be utterly dependent and desperate for Him.
And at Saturday's Young Adults' Fellowship meeting with Lionel, the Reverend gave a message on believing that God is in control of our lives and destinies, and I guess I needed a reminder 'cos I've been trying so hard to make things in my life work out without really trusting God that they will.

Well now I do have to believe, I have to trust. I almost feel stupid, because I've known this all along, and I never meant to hurt anyone but myself. I never cared too much about hurting myself because after all it's my life, isn't it? As long as I can keep safe the ones I love, I don't mind suffering. But I guess when you play with fire, sometimes the fire gets out of your control and you end up with a lot more than burnt fingers and singed eyebrows.

Ah well.

Current mood: Pensive... melancholic... moody.

Edit: Photos!!!!!

The Brothers doing their funky dance (that's Miguel with the mike); Archie and Kengo-san showing off more snazzy moves; the Brothers flexing; Miguel wowing the crowd; Miguel wowing the crowd and having the time of his life. And check out my Heineken photos at the bottom... my hair keeps getting longer and I ain't gonna cut it anytime soon! I like the new style in the last photo, but it looks a bit 'dao'...


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