Catch me if I fall

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bootiful day

(Note: May contain X-Men: The Last Stand spoilers. I'll try not to say too much, but I may not be able to help myself.)

I'm just sitting here grinning my head off.

Feeling very very very pleased with myself.

And happie! Yay!!!!!

Because... I watched X-Men: The Last Stand yesterday!!!!!!!!! And it wasn't as bad as the reviews made it out to be - in fact, it was pretty damn good. So I'm biased, I knew I was gonna love it anyway just 'cos Wolverine and Jean Grey were in it. Ahahaha. Jean Grey was HAWT. Ow! Mutants just don't get much hotter than her. And she was really cool to watch... I love those moments of vulnerability, her eyes are so beautiful.

Anyway, whatever anyone else says, I thought it was a good movie. Of course the style was different from the first two X-Men movies, and the 'deep-ness' was somewhat lacking. But still! I liked the explodeyness of it all. And Wolverine. Whee!!!!!!

I think I might wanna watch it again. After I watch the first two. Any takers? =P

I'm writing this as I have my lunch. Eating chestnuts out of a bag. A whole bag of chestnuts! For me! All fruits and nuts today. Mmmmmmm. I love my lunches ;) My dad's so sweet, he makes my lunch for me every day (well during the week anyway) so I don't have to skip lunch if I work through my break (happens more often than you'd think). Also saves me lots of money, gives me fruits and vegetables which I absolutely HAVE to have every day, and best of all, makes me feel so loved. *tear* I love my daddy.

Ummmmm. Chestnuts gooooooood. Haha, I'm so easy to please. Nuts make me happy. Or are chestnuts fruits? Well whatever - fruits make me happy too. Except durians and dragonfruit, and mangosteens. And bananas. Okay maybe I'm not that easy to please when it comes to fruits...

I'm a-happie!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

I wanna go night cycling soon. One Saturday, I'm just gonna bridge the whole day and then cycle around Singapore at night and have multiple suppers. Someone take me! Er, out!


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