Catch me if I fall

Monday, May 22, 2006

Back to being emo

It's been a great weekend ;)

Spent most of Saturday with Lionel, just catching up. It was really fun in an ultra-laidback kinda way. Hey, it was good seeing you. I really missed ya! =P Thanks for playing to me, including all my favourite Goo songs (plus a beautiful Acoustic #3), and for sharing your own. I love your songs, especially the first one... completely gorgeous. You're really talented. Seriously, make an album. I'd buy it ;)

I love being sung/played to. Argh, I'm just a sucker for guitar-wielding dudes. Haha. That's the sentimental side of me talking. If we ever do this again, play me Closing Time please? It's one of my favourite songs in the world. Yes, it does have special meaning for me. Ah, memories...

Anyway, I think all that Damien Rice and James Blunt-ness have left me a little more emo than usual. I wrote something tonight. But I'll post it later, if I post it at all - it's a tad melancholic and this is supposed to be a happy post. Wish I could play guitar so I could figure out the chords. Haha. Still working on the melody for the chorus, but the rest is ok. 15 minutes! Heh. I'm getting faster.

Anyway, happy post. So, what happened today? Farah's birthday surprise! Yes dear, I hope all the playing deaf and blind and dumb (in every sense of the word) paid off! Haha, it was so much fun (was it not???)! Managed to finish the Big Walk at super-speed this morning, rushed to get the movie tickets and pick up food for the potluck, dashed home to shower and then whisked myself off to Saf's to blow balloons and errr, watch TV till Far arrived. We had popper guns and cans of silly string all ready when our birthday girl arrived, and wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Shiok man. It was almost cathartic, popping those things. And silly string over everyone and everything. Cold, but so pretty and colourful. Hahahahaha. And Saf videotaping everything!

There were 7 of us at Saf's - the Hello Panda Club + Sakina, Saf's sis + Sam + Azrifah. Crescent chick gathering, the largest the HPC has organised in, ah, ever, I think. There's something to be said about Crescent, 'cos somehow all the CGS girls I know are farny lah. As usual, laughter every 10 seconds, over the most inane things. Man, Crescent got something right. I almost miss those days.

I almost miss JC too. Sam and I were protesting that we actually enjoyed our time in JC when everyone else (except Sakina) said how much they hated JC. Azrifah looked at us and said, "Which JC were you from?" We answered, "ACJC!" and she rolled her eyes at Farah, "No wonder lah." Hahaha. I'm proud to be an AC alumnus. Those were good times.

Guess what? We actually cooked lunch! Well okay, Saf and Sakina cooked spaghetti and meatballs, and fish fingers, and I bought frozen pizza and canned fruit cocktail. But still. We made lunch. Yay! And the custard was so delicious. Yum... I swear, I dunno what you put in it Saf, but mine really tasted like milk chocolate. I want the recipe! Not that I'll actually use it, I'll just get my mom to make it. Hee.

Anyway, so after lunch we gave Far her presents: a red beads-and-string necklace, a pink crystal bracelet, a pink belt and a white clutch bag with a pink belt for decoration. And we made her put them on and take pictures. Then we put eye make-up on her, did her nails and her hair and took more pictures. I'll post some as soon as Sam sends them over. Aiyah, Farah, don't be so shy. Pretty lah!

Then we had the cake - a pink, creamy strawberry one. Ohhhhhhhhh, too much food. Haha. We ended the day with Ben & Jerry's ice cream at Grand Great World after watching The Da Vinci Code, over discussion about the movie. Hmmmm, well I guess it's entertainment for the masses, but please folks, it's just fiction. Don't take it too seriously. Sigh.

After ice cream, I met Greg at Bar None to check out Force Vomit and Futon. Force Vomit's not bad, albeit rather generic; Futon has tons of energy and attitude to spare, but I have to say I wasn't impressed with the actual singing. Great charisma though, even though they didn't actually strip down to their underwear, which they've apparently been known to do. Oh well, there's always next time... haha...

A weekend well spent. The coming week's looking mighty busy too, and hopefully I'll be meeeting up with more friends along the way. I'll be at Peiyu's graduation from The Great Comission Training Centre tomorrow evening. Yay! So proud of you, mummy! You're making a difference in the world. Not many people can truly say that ;)

In celebration, here's something I dug up from my store of 'poetry' from JC. (There's a lot more of this stuff than I thought there was. I wanna get it published someday. Haha.) I wrote it for you back in 2000, and it's probably one of my better ones. Remember this? =P

I have a fren, a fishie fren,
But that’s a silly name!
She clucks just like a mother hen
Tho’ she’s anything but tame!
She’s got no gills, no fins, no tail,
She’ll sink instead of swim
And if you tease her, she’ll just wail,
“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!”, then look real grim.
When she means ‘yes’, she’ll always say,
“No ahh!” I wonder why?
And when she really means ‘No way!’
“Yes ahh!” is her reply.
Her ‘no’ is ‘yes’, and ‘yes is ‘no’…
She’s mad! (I’m so sure LOR!)
Well, tell her that, she’ll just say, “So?
Meh-la-ni is madder, HOR?”
To sit beside this fish all day
Is such a scary task!
You think it’s fun? Hey, don’t play-play!
To survive is all I ask!
But, still, now and then
This fishie makes me glad.
‘Cos this fishie fren, my fishie fren,
Is the best fishie I ever had!

Haha. You have to know Peiyu (or how she used to be) to appreciate the poem. But if you DO know her (or how she used to be), am I spot-on or what???? Hahahahaha. For the benefit of those who haven't had the pleasure of making her acquaintance, Peiyu's nickname is 'Fish' (because of the 'yu' in her name) and she couldn't swim at all back in JC. And if you haven't already guessed, she was pretty contradictory with regards to 'yes' and 'no'. Can't wait to see her again!

Well, time for bed. New week, and that's a good thing, right? ;)


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