Catch me if I fall

Friday, May 19, 2006

Welcome to the wheeeeeeeeeeeee!kend


Just back from Tioman, so excited! Well err, not really excited that I'm back of course. I miss Tioman, at least the dives. I missed showering with actual water pressure while I was there though!

Anyway, I'm excited 'cos it's the weekend, after just 2 days at work! Haha *cheat*. Just got our books back so next week on I'll be absolutely swamped... my boss told me to enjoy this weekend 'cos it's the last free weekend I'll be having for the next 2 months. Eh. Die lor. But anyway, I'm packing this weekend with as much fun as I can possibly have, to make up for my probable lack of social life in the weeks to come. So far, this weekend's looking good. (Shhhhh, don't jinx it!!!!!)

Haha lessee... waiting for Greg to come pick me up for a movie. Or something. And then tomorrow, after various errands in the morning (and more various errands at night too sigh), I'm meeting my dear friend Lionel for lunch at Holland V!!!!!!! Yes, he's FINALLY back from Canada!!!! (Missed ya so much Lion!) And he's gonna play me Goo Goo Dolls songs!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha. Okay, so I've been waiting for that for a long time. And we'll maybe go to Settler's too. So fun!!!

And Sunday is gonna be jam-packed!!!! Big Walk in the morning with Dad and my colleagues, followed by a mad rush to Saf's for Far's surprise birthday thingy at 12. Argh!!!! I still don't know what I'm bringing for the potluck! Will prob have to shop on Sat evening or something. Pizza and garlic bread? Chicken wings?? MacDonald's???? Hahahahaha. Okay so Saf's place, and then... 'kay this part don't say first. I'll post pictures after hahahahaha. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Okay, Greg will be here soon. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can tell, I'm kinda *excited*. Haha.


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