Catch me if I fall

Monday, May 08, 2006

Breaking the silence

Well, so I finally gritted my teeth and took the bull by the horns last night, only to find out... it wasn't really a bull at all, just a rather gently bemused cow. (Pardon the analogy, and I do like cows.)

Sometimes, when you really talk to people, you realise they aren't quite what you thought they were. Or who they're made out to be. Coming from the horse's mouth, it's a different perspective. (What's with the animals today? I'm having lunch, that must be it.) Moral of the story: Stop listening to other people, 'cos you can't trust anyone but yourself. Sad but true.

The past 2 weeks have been good, relationship-wise. I've rediscovered 2 long-lost friends (glad they still remember me), taken a step forward with another, and made a new friend. I'm thankful for the short lull in the office that allows all this, although my social life still hibernates during the week, mostly, and connecting with friends is left to the weekends. Not really looking forward to what's coming after the Sunway trip - it's gonna get ugly. Sigh.

But still. Let's focus on the good things, like the Sunway trip! And diving after, of course. I've just spent close on 400 bucks on dive gear and equipment, ouch. Will be pretty broke after my holiday haha. There goes the Progress Package. But then, it's my first holiday in at least half a year so I don't mind spending... I just wish it were longer.

As Shan would say, oh wells.


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