Catch me if I fall

Monday, May 22, 2006

OWWW. This is nuts.

Back at work, having lunch, surfing for ideas for errr, something for someone. Heh. I just tried a ginger nut, and for the first time I realise just why these little buggers are called 'nuts'. The reason is this: they're frickin' HARD.

My teeth hurt. I think a piece of one just chipped off... I mean, owwwww. These nuts aren't the usual ones I buy, the big crunchy tasty ones that don't break your teeth off. Nope, this is a new brand, and already I regret buying not one, but TWO packets. When I couldn't find the usual brand at the supermarket I picked this one up, I thought, how bad could they possibly be? They're ginger nuts! I love ginger nuts! Even if they suck, I'll just finish them off fast and go back to the usual brand, no problemo. But as it turns out finishing them fast is gonna be near-impossible, given that it took me like, 10 minutes to finish the first bite of my first and quite possibly last cookie. I had to like, suck on it till pieces got mushy enough to melt away. Disgusting, I know.

I suppose the upside is that I won't be gobbling down whole packets at a go now, and it's highly unlikely that I'll get a sore throat from too many ginger cookies. Then again, I just spent over 200 bucks on my pearlie whites!!!! (Okay, so I flatter myself. Whatever.) Oh, somthing soft for the poor aching teef pleeeeease. I'm so glad I've got french toast for lunch today. Delicious and so SOFT...

You know, I'm not so sure I want dinner tonight =/


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