For the first time

Fishing at Lower Seletar Reservoir on Saturday - the fish were biting this time. No more crabs for us, whoo!!!!! Check out my first fish - I caught this baby all by myself! (Okay, so I had to learn to cast first... but I reeled it in myself!!!!) A little peacock bass. Ain't he a beauty? =P Score: Mel - 1, Lionel - 3 or 4. Random people gave us more.
It's amazing how friendly people are when you're holding a fish/fishing rod. They'll want to know what you've caught, how many you've caught, how long you've been fishing... and little kids are just fascinated by the fish. (Oh yeah, I love the kids, they're so cute! Especially when they're staring at the fish, they get so big-eyed... the kids, I mean, although I suppose the fish are quite stressed-out too.)

We ended up with about 8 peacock basses of various sizes. Not all made it back alive though. Those three up there are some of the ones that got away. Well actually, they just died before we could get them home. Sad, the last two were quite big. In fact, only one (the biggest!) eventually made it into Lionel's fish tank. The rest died at the reservoir or en route to the tank, were given away or used as bait. Oh well. Anyway, I think the sole survivor has a decent shot, now that he's stopped his underwater hyperventilating. He's currently figuring out glass.

And of course, a photo before we left the reservoir... I think I'm glowing. It might be the sun. My colleagues say I'm in love. Well, they could be right *shrug* whatever it is, I'm radiant! (Okay, that was a pun, I'm not being vain. Haha.)
Yeah, you make me glow, babe. That must be why random people keep complimenting me these days =P
Oh yeah and not forgetting our first... *sigh*. Oh baby, you're incredible, you know that? You just make me feel so special. Yeah it's been a day of firsts. Wow. ;)
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