Catch me if I fall

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So this is love.

I'm in love, and life has never been better.

It's pretty crazy when I actually stop to think about it - and I don't usually, 'cos what's the point? - I mean, everything's just happened so fast. It's been INTENSE. Looks like it's gonna be that way, all the way through.

We've gone from being 'just friends' to soulmates and 'love-of-my-life' in the space of about two months. We're talking about trips to Canada, borrowing cousins' kids, engagement. We've planned the bathroom and library in our future house (our house is gonna be awesome!), picked baby names and decided that our sons will be ACS(I) boys. Whoooooo! And we wanted to take it slow =P

Funny thing is, although this is probably the most intense relationship I've ever had (and trust me, that's saying something), it's never felt so right. I think my parents see it too. I'm glad they like you, babe. That's a very positive sign! ;) I think the fact that you're an officer and a gentleman helps tremendously... like I keep telling you, you're everything I ever wanted in a guy, you're just perfect for me. So don't ever ask again if you deserve me - I'm not a reward, babe, I'm just meant for you. 23 years of waiting finally paying off =P

Yeah, you are worth the wait. I have to keep reminding myself though, 'cos even two months seems like such a long time. But hey, I know it won't be long before I can officially call you mine ;)

Walking home last night, the bullfrogs were croaking all around the track. People were strolling, jogging, cycling by, silent and ghost-like. And I, I was in a world all my own - thinking of you, like I always do these days. Just remembering that look on your face when you sang to me in my room... yeah, I could tell how emotional you were. And how you look when you pick me up just like a little child, and swing me around. You looking up at me, and I see myself reflected in your eyes. I put my arms around you and watch your smile light up your face. You were giggling on Sunday night! We were both so high. And how peaceful you look when you fall asleep with me caressing you. I love watching you sleep. Oh babe... I love you. And as you said, what more is there to say?

I'm looking forward to October ;)


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