Catch me if I fall

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just a quickie

Wow. It's certainly been a while hasn't it. Mainly cos of work - I've been going crazy in the office lately, especially now my colleague is gone. Sigh... I soooooooooo need a holiday!

Anyhoo, Merry Christmas everyone! Sorry no Christmas cards this year, too busy to write lah. I would have sms-ed but my phone has died. Twice. Thinking of getting a new one, except I just got it wrapped. It's pretty (and freakin' expensive) so I guess I'll just hit it till it switches on again =P I'm using my Mom's phone in the meantime since the 'rents are on holiday now. I've lost a heck of a lot of my contacts though, so don't be surprised if I don't recognise you. My author called the other day and I couldn't place him at first. Scary situation... phroooooooo.

So. Christmas was fun! Christmas Eve, at my uncle's place as usual, good food, good company, some good blackjack and minimal losses. Okay lah. Lisa and I actually got everyone presents this year. Nothing big, just our way of saying thanks for always being there and showing support in various ways as we grew up. It's nice to know family's always around to fall back on. Like Dad says, it's important to keep family close. I really do appreciate all of them.

Besides, it's fun to give! One of my uncles remarked that giving is good for the heart (or words to that effect) and I couldn't agree more. It's not about what you get in return, or even about being appreciated. It just keeps you humble, that's all. Hard to explain, but there it is. I'm glad I gave this Christmas. It makes me count my blessings.

Christmas Day itself wasn't very eventful. Mostly spent preparing for Boxing Day. Not that I celebrate Boxing Day really, but the Christmas get-together was held then. A whole day out - fun and relaxing both, for the most part anyway. Paintballing in the morning, lunch at Rice Table Suntec, arcade for a while followed by Narnia and then off to Jack's place to play Taboo and eat chips and re-heated lotus soup. Oh and birthday cake. Heh. Good dinner.

My whole body is aching now from the paintball, and I've got a nasty bruise on my left arm. But it was cool, I love shooting stuff. Cheap thrill (or not so cheap), knocking down a target or two. Again again! This time in army fatigues.

It was a pretty good day, all in all. Thanks for coming. I'm glad for all you people! You guys (and girl) give me reasons to smile ;)

Yeah... I could use some laughter now. Wish it were still Christmas. I'm so tired, it's honestly insane in the office. First day back I left the office around 11.30pm, today I brought home half the practical book with me. Just finished looking through it. I'm exhausted. (Just had to blog 'cos I've put it off for so long!) Been taking cabs everywhere, I'm too tired to walk much even. SIGH.
Off to bed now. It's late and I'm tired and I've got a long day tomorrow. Haven't even cleaned the house. Argh!!!!!!!!!

Going insane... see you in the madhouse. Whee!