The days are flying by
Another weekend of fun...
Trawled VivoCity with Sam on Saturday, wore our shoes out and burnt our pockets quite a bit. I ended up with:
1 gorgeous pair of knee-high flat-heeled brown boots
1 funky grey hip hop-ish jacket
1 pair of furry black jeans (Ok, it feels like fur. Mmmmmmmm)
1 long red sleeveless top
1 sweet girly purple blouse
1 kimono-inspired empire-waist red top
1 off-the-shoulder fuzzy white sweater
I'd put up photos but I'm still tired from all that shopping. Haha. Vivocity is such a shopaholic's delight. And shopping with a girlfriend doubles the fun! There's someone to ooooh and aaaaaah over pretty clothes with you, someone to give you her opinion on your selections (and believe me, this is important. And much more useful than when it comes from a boyfriend. Sorry, Lionel =P), and best of all, you're more likely to get discounts than if you shopped by yourself! Particularly if said girlfriend has her mom's Espirit card ;) and your combined purchases total, oh, say, at least $80...
Heh yeah I haven't had that much fun shopping in a long time. But then I haven't had time to shop for myself in a long time (not clothes, anyway. Ikea doesn't count... I mean, restful sleep is essential for a productive mind right? So the furnishings were just basic necessities.) Let's do it again!
My Saturday continued being wonderfully sociable with Lisa's surprise farewell party at Carol's. Haha, fooled ya, lil' sis! Glad you enjoyed the surprise. It was good, no? I had lots of fun. Early 'lo-hei' for me and Lis 'cos we'll both miss this year's CNY... she'll be in Aussie and I'll fly up to Vancouver three days after.
Speaking of which, I'm so excited!!!!!!!! Oh it's gonna be so fun. Apart from how good it'll be to see my darling again (that's a whole level of goodness all its own), it'll be my first time seeing/playing with/rolling about in/tasting/dancing in real snow! And of course there are all the wonderful places Lionel's been telling me about - Krispy Kreme, the big candy shop, the ice cream parlour, the steakhouse. Ok, I need to exercise BEFORE I fly up. And then there are the wonderful people to meet - his friends, his relatives, his church. EXCITED!!!!!!! *does a happy dance (will do one in snow really soon!)*
Yeah... looking forward to it. Meantime, lots to do, at work and out of it. Actually, been spending lots more time than I'd like to at the office lately. Deadlines deadlines deadlines.... dead... Heh no lah, I'm surviving. But just barely. Really wish my projects would hurry up and wrap themselves up. Aiyar.
Well besides work there's plenty of church stuff going on. Prayer meetings on Tuesdays, Bible Study twice a month on Saturdays, service on Sunday mornings followed by Basic Bible Knowledge Class followed by choir practice. We're having a pizza party this Sunday! Wheeee!!!!
I love church. Been feeling very much spiritually recharged lately. For a number of reasons... ah well, we all have our struggles. Just have to work through them and keep trusting God. I'm glad He never gave up on me.
Then there's cell group every two weeks (more or less) and evenings runs once a week (Planning it week to week. Sigh. Need more regularity.), housework, spending time with Dad, and cooking ;)
Last Sunday's dinner:

Chinese cabbage, mushrooms and cashew nuts (Ok, this was like, an afterthought. Must eat healthy mah.) and... CHICKEN CURRY WITH POTATOES!!!!!!
I'm getting ambitious.
While still trying to cook nutritious meals. Doesn't always work out so well. Sigh. Well at least I tried...
I used fresh milk instead of coconut milk in the curry. I thought it would be more healthful and also less fattening (and we didn't have coconut handy) and you know, fresh milk has all these lovely vitamins. I wanted to put the milk in right at the end so that the water-soluble vitamins wouldn't be lost, but simmering the curry was unavoidable so in the end I don't think it was quite as vitamin-laden as I intended it to be. Sad. It's not that easy to cook healthful meals. Not if you like curry.
Haha. Anyway that's another two dishes I can cook now. Veggies are quite easy, in general. Even curry isn't difficult. What's next? So far I'm cooking the stuff I like to eat. Should learn to make Lionel's favourite dishes too. Maybe next time I'll cook seafood... like crabs and prawns (urgh) . But then, I think my mom will have to eat most of it, given that Dad's allergic to prawns and I'm not a big fan of seafood. Heh. Well that won't be a problem if the food is good, right? ;)
Oh yeah, coming up... CNY goodies!!!!
Trawled VivoCity with Sam on Saturday, wore our shoes out and burnt our pockets quite a bit. I ended up with:
1 gorgeous pair of knee-high flat-heeled brown boots
1 funky grey hip hop-ish jacket
1 pair of furry black jeans (Ok, it feels like fur. Mmmmmmmm)
1 long red sleeveless top
1 sweet girly purple blouse
1 kimono-inspired empire-waist red top
1 off-the-shoulder fuzzy white sweater
I'd put up photos but I'm still tired from all that shopping. Haha. Vivocity is such a shopaholic's delight. And shopping with a girlfriend doubles the fun! There's someone to ooooh and aaaaaah over pretty clothes with you, someone to give you her opinion on your selections (and believe me, this is important. And much more useful than when it comes from a boyfriend. Sorry, Lionel =P), and best of all, you're more likely to get discounts than if you shopped by yourself! Particularly if said girlfriend has her mom's Espirit card ;) and your combined purchases total, oh, say, at least $80...
Heh yeah I haven't had that much fun shopping in a long time. But then I haven't had time to shop for myself in a long time (not clothes, anyway. Ikea doesn't count... I mean, restful sleep is essential for a productive mind right? So the furnishings were just basic necessities.) Let's do it again!
My Saturday continued being wonderfully sociable with Lisa's surprise farewell party at Carol's. Haha, fooled ya, lil' sis! Glad you enjoyed the surprise. It was good, no? I had lots of fun. Early 'lo-hei' for me and Lis 'cos we'll both miss this year's CNY... she'll be in Aussie and I'll fly up to Vancouver three days after.
Speaking of which, I'm so excited!!!!!!!! Oh it's gonna be so fun. Apart from how good it'll be to see my darling again (that's a whole level of goodness all its own), it'll be my first time seeing/playing with/rolling about in/tasting/dancing in real snow! And of course there are all the wonderful places Lionel's been telling me about - Krispy Kreme, the big candy shop, the ice cream parlour, the steakhouse. Ok, I need to exercise BEFORE I fly up. And then there are the wonderful people to meet - his friends, his relatives, his church. EXCITED!!!!!!! *does a happy dance (will do one in snow really soon!)*
Yeah... looking forward to it. Meantime, lots to do, at work and out of it. Actually, been spending lots more time than I'd like to at the office lately. Deadlines deadlines deadlines.... dead... Heh no lah, I'm surviving. But just barely. Really wish my projects would hurry up and wrap themselves up. Aiyar.
Well besides work there's plenty of church stuff going on. Prayer meetings on Tuesdays, Bible Study twice a month on Saturdays, service on Sunday mornings followed by Basic Bible Knowledge Class followed by choir practice. We're having a pizza party this Sunday! Wheeee!!!!
I love church. Been feeling very much spiritually recharged lately. For a number of reasons... ah well, we all have our struggles. Just have to work through them and keep trusting God. I'm glad He never gave up on me.
Then there's cell group every two weeks (more or less) and evenings runs once a week (Planning it week to week. Sigh. Need more regularity.), housework, spending time with Dad, and cooking ;)
Last Sunday's dinner:
Chinese cabbage, mushrooms and cashew nuts (Ok, this was like, an afterthought. Must eat healthy mah.) and... CHICKEN CURRY WITH POTATOES!!!!!!
I'm getting ambitious.
While still trying to cook nutritious meals. Doesn't always work out so well. Sigh. Well at least I tried...
I used fresh milk instead of coconut milk in the curry. I thought it would be more healthful and also less fattening (and we didn't have coconut handy) and you know, fresh milk has all these lovely vitamins. I wanted to put the milk in right at the end so that the water-soluble vitamins wouldn't be lost, but simmering the curry was unavoidable so in the end I don't think it was quite as vitamin-laden as I intended it to be. Sad. It's not that easy to cook healthful meals. Not if you like curry.
Haha. Anyway that's another two dishes I can cook now. Veggies are quite easy, in general. Even curry isn't difficult. What's next? So far I'm cooking the stuff I like to eat. Should learn to make Lionel's favourite dishes too. Maybe next time I'll cook seafood... like crabs and prawns (urgh) . But then, I think my mom will have to eat most of it, given that Dad's allergic to prawns and I'm not a big fan of seafood. Heh. Well that won't be a problem if the food is good, right? ;)
Oh yeah, coming up... CNY goodies!!!!