Playing tag
I haven't blogged in ages, I know. It's not that nothing's been happening, rather, I'd say too much has been going on! Too much to blog about, anyway. I've never been exactly concise with my writing and the days are passing too quickly to spend in front of a computer when I'm not at work. Anyway, for anyone who does still read my blog, yes, I'm still alive, yes, I'm still happy and sane and everything's peachy. Work is great, if anything, better than ever, and so far the year looks set to be an awesome one. In a way I can't wait to get through it, but... nah, I'll be patient and just enjoy the ride. Lots to do! *excited*
Anyhoo, this isn't gonna be much of a post. Mr W got tagged and tagged me, so I'm posting a quickie. Because playing tag is so fun! =P
This is how it goes:
a. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
b. Tag seven people to do the same.
c. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag “whoever wants to do it”.
a. Weird stuff about Mel
1. I can't drink. I mean, seriously. I could get drunk on beer fumes (I think I actually have, a couple of times). Give me a couple of sips and I'll turn red, start giggling like a maniac and pass out on the floor. Not so fun for me but highly entertaining for everyone else, or so I've been told.
2. I am a compulsive list-maker. I can't do anything (not happily, anyway) without making a comprehensive list first. I don't leave home without my organiser, and if you ever get a chance to peek in it, you'll see that everything's ticked off on the previous days' lists. Even if I didn't do it. Heh.
3. I like my spaces neat, but I'm not so good with keeping them dust-free. If you've ever been in my room, you'll know what I mean.
4. I have no sense of direction. I mean, none. If I'm late for a meeting, it's usually because I got lost along the way (but was too embarassed to admit it). Nick's used to it by now!
5. I hate durian, prawns, bananas and almost anything that tastes strongly of egg.
6. I love word games. Scrabulous is practically the only reason I still log on to Facebook.
7. I want to retire at 55 and travel around the world (in style!), among other things. And I want to do it with one particular person.
b. Tag! You're it!
1. Farah
2. Safiyya
3. Shimin
4. Samantha
5. Lisa
6. Greg
7. Ok I give up, I don't know who'd still check my blog after such a long hibernation!
Till we meet again...
Anyhoo, this isn't gonna be much of a post. Mr W got tagged and tagged me, so I'm posting a quickie. Because playing tag is so fun! =P
This is how it goes:
a. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
b. Tag seven people to do the same.
c. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag “whoever wants to do it”.
a. Weird stuff about Mel
1. I can't drink. I mean, seriously. I could get drunk on beer fumes (I think I actually have, a couple of times). Give me a couple of sips and I'll turn red, start giggling like a maniac and pass out on the floor. Not so fun for me but highly entertaining for everyone else, or so I've been told.
2. I am a compulsive list-maker. I can't do anything (not happily, anyway) without making a comprehensive list first. I don't leave home without my organiser, and if you ever get a chance to peek in it, you'll see that everything's ticked off on the previous days' lists. Even if I didn't do it. Heh.
3. I like my spaces neat, but I'm not so good with keeping them dust-free. If you've ever been in my room, you'll know what I mean.
4. I have no sense of direction. I mean, none. If I'm late for a meeting, it's usually because I got lost along the way (but was too embarassed to admit it). Nick's used to it by now!
5. I hate durian, prawns, bananas and almost anything that tastes strongly of egg.
6. I love word games. Scrabulous is practically the only reason I still log on to Facebook.
7. I want to retire at 55 and travel around the world (in style!), among other things. And I want to do it with one particular person.
b. Tag! You're it!
1. Farah
2. Safiyya
3. Shimin
4. Samantha
5. Lisa
6. Greg
7. Ok I give up, I don't know who'd still check my blog after such a long hibernation!
Till we meet again...