Catch me if I fall

Thursday, June 10, 2010

For honour

The Girl Guide Promise

I promise to do my best:
To do my duty to God,
To serve my country and help other people, and
To keep the Guide Law.

It's amazing the things I remember from Guides. 12 years since I last wore the uniform, and the Promise is still word-perfect. And it's not just the Promise. I can see Guiding in many aspects of how I live now... I think Guides had more of an impact on my life than I ever realised.

Here's one of the old campfire standards. I remember the first time my Company Leader taught us this song; the look on her face was so solemn. It really impressed me that she took these words so seriously.

On my honour I will try,
There’s a duty to be done and I say aye,
There's a reason here for a reason above,
My honour is to try and my duty is to love.

People don’t need to know my name,
If I’ve done any harm then I’m to blame,
If I help another I help me
If I open up my eyes to see.

Yeah, good words to live your life by. Not ever for personal glory... but always, above all, for honour.